Thursday, June 30, 2011

What's the Rush?

For as long as I can remember I think I have always had this attitude like- "I can't wait for this to be over." I'm talking like since I was a kid, with almost everything. When I was a kid I could not wait to be a grown up... It was always- I can't wait to be a middle schooler, a high schooler, to be done with college so I can be a real grown up... Then I became a real grown up and got a real job as a teacher and all I wanted was for the school year to end each year. Then I joined Peace Corps, and here I am a year in thinking all the time about what I'm going to do when it's over... 

WHY have I always been in such a hurry? A hurry to grow up and get on with things, I guess. This is normal right? I think many people may be affected by this manner of thinking. Those of us that are always too overly excited to get on to whatever is next for us. Thinking... When I finish school I will be it will be awesome. Once I get a new job, I will be happy. When summer vacation comes... When I get done with Peace Corps...  But what about right now? 

And often when I get there, to that place in my life I just couldn't wait to get to... it's almost never as wonderful as I imagined it would be... and it's not until then that I realize how great things really were in the past. So this morning over my cup of instant coffee (in the "Stop me before I volunteer again" mug my brother gave me), I thought about how at times I've found myself thinking Man I can't wait for my service to be done and move on with my life... But really... it's not like that. I guess I just feel that way and say things like that when I'm missing the comforts of the 1st world life and when I feel lonely being out in my site. Ultimately... I know I'm going to love and appreciate this experience in the end. I'll be glad I finished, and will probably even miss it- El Salvador and its people. And I'm sure I'll look back fondly on these times, the good and the bad.... and I'll be proud- like Man! I did it! Haha, ok ok, I still have a year left- and then I'll tell you how I'm feeling about it ending.

It's just so hard for me to not get ahead of myself. I get too anxious and excited about things to come. But this is what I'm doing now... and you know what? I'm doing pretty awesome!

What kind of awesome things am I doing? WELL.... 

I can't believe it, but my water project keeps truckin along and appears like it might be a success! I don't want to speak too soon... but next week I should find out for sure if my community will be getting it or not. The mayor is going to have someone from his council drive me and my community leaders to San Salvador to have a meeting with the organization! Sounds promising... at least on part of the mayor who is supportive enough of the project to have us driven out there by one of his guys. We are so close! I have gotten tired at points, of going to mayor's office and to San Sal to meet with people there- over and over again... but it looks like all the hard work and persistence might pay off! Primero Dios.

But something so silly happened a few weeks ago... I went to San Salvador to meet with the water project manager and talk about what needs to be done next, and the he told me that some guy from my community was there the day before. He said it was a fat guy that came in just to complain about things- saying he doesn't like how I am running the project. The Project Manager stood up for me and said I am only trying to help them. And the guy from the community just kept complaining and had no real constructive purpose of being there. I know exactly who it was. It was Alex, the "President" of the council (that doesn't really legally exist) of that part of the community. He was upset that I have been collaborating with the actual legitimate community council rather than theirs. Sorry buddy... you're not legit. And seriously... he should have just come to talk to me so I could communicate to him what I'm doing. He could have hurt our chances of getting this project... I'm not mad, I mean... just laughing about it. It sounds like he just wants to be able to take some credit for the project and I can't blame him for wanting to be involved. However, it shouldn't really be about WHO gets the water for the community, but just about just getting their basic need for water taken care of. And then he called me Monday night at 8 pm and was asking me to come to a meeting the next day with his council. Sorry I'm busy. I was busy... I was preparing for a workshop I had planned in the school this week... which I totally rocked!

I organized a Horizontes de Prevencion charla at my school. This is an HIV/AIDS, STD prevention workshop where kids also get a general sex education. It was a huge success! I could not be happier with how it went. Not gonna lie, beforehand I was like, Mannn I'm so dumb. Why did I plan to do a charla right before I leave for vacation? But it was so worth it. We did it at the school in 2 groups- 8th grade in one, 9th grade in the other with a total of about 50 students. And I had my youth counterparts that I got trained in the workshop a few months back to help, and also got local medical professionals to come participate and help teach the students about condoms and how to properly use them. I have never seen the students from my school so engaged in learning something... Well, their age and the subject made it easy for them to be I guess... But also because the activities I had planned were dynamic and involved their participation. I was so happy that they felt comfortable asking questions, and from the pre and post tests that I gave I can tell that they learned. It was a blast! My youth counterparts are so awesome... they love teaching this so much that they want to travel to other communities to do it. Jamie came to help with this one in my site and we are talking about going to do the charla at her site next. There are photos on my fbook if you're interested in seeing more pics from the activity!

Butt shot. Not the most flattering (I bought those pants for $5 in a Salvadoran woman's living room)- but I wanted to show the whole group! Such a great group of kids! 

The Globulos Blancos are defending the Cuerpo Humano

I also want to send out a huge thank you to Carol & Jim in Houston who helped make it possible for my school to get a refrigerator for their kitchen. This refrigerator was a much needed item and after buying it a few weeks ago, it has already been put to great use! The school staff is now able to buy more fruits and vegetables for the food they cook for the kids- being able to provide the students with more nutritious meals. We can store food in a more sanitary manner, not waste so much, and we are even able raise money for other needed school materials by selling cold beverages and other items that we can keep in it. This one appliance is doing such great things for our Centro Escolar! We are planning a bigger way to say thank you but for the time being, just want to give the shout out and say- Un mil gracias!

Nina Damaris, the school cook, loves all that she is now able to do in the kitchen with this fridge!

Soon I am heading back to Houston for the 4th of July weekend... a really short trip this time, but I am really excited about seeing my family :) I do have lots of things to get back here to with my life in El Salvador though. Things aren't always easy here in this life... But it's mine, and I love it. 

Peace Out!

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