Monday, November 14, 2011

It's Officially Official!

Ok I know... It's been too long since I've blogged. Sorry 'bout that! I've been too busy just living my life I suppose. But there is way too much to catch y'all up on, I don't even know where to start!

Well how about with the biggest most important and wonderful thing of all... I'm ENGAGED! Oh that's so fun to say! lol... I'm ENGAGED!!! Yes ladies and gentlemen, on 11-11-11, he put a ring on it :) We couldn't be happier or more excited. So now you're probably wondering about the details- like maybe- Who is the lucky guy? How'd you meet? How'd he do it? What about the ring? Well... You may have noticed his name pop up here and there in my blog over the last year, Noel. I never formally introduced him into my blog by explaining who he was or how we met... because I've never been one to so publicly talk about my relationship status really. But now that things are official, I'm ready to spill more of my beans.

We met last year at Thanksgiving. Every year Peace Corps Volunteers are invited to sign up to have Thanksgiving dinner with embassy workers and their families. I signed up and by luck of the draw Rosellen, the pcv organizing the assigments, put me at Noel's house along with my friends Hollie and Kathrine. We owe many thanks to Rosellen, because she could have just as easily put me with anyone else. So I got this email from her saying I was set to have Thanksgiving with this guy, and that he specifically asked for fun lovers so we should show him a good time. He soon sent an email to my friends and I, giving us the details of where his house is, asking if we had any special requests for food, etc. So I emailed him back to let him know what my arrival plans were and to tell him I wanted him to make me some baked macaroni n' cheese and told him to call me back about answering my questions because I didnt have internet in my site. Soon after I sent that email, as I was running to catch my bus back to my site at the last minute he called. I answered very out of breath because I was carrying a huge backpack since I was on my way home from my second pre-service training. I told him I couldnt talk, because I was on the bus- I don't like to talk on the phone on the bus- so he said he could call me later in a few hours.

So later on around 7 pm he called just as I had expected- we cleared up our Thanksgiving plans- but then we ended up talking for hours more, laughing and sharing stories about what we've been up to. He was interesting and had such a nice voice and by the end of the phone call I could not wait to meet him days later when we were to go in. I admit, I tried to look him up on facebook to see what he looked like and check him out. I wasn't sure which one he was though. He was able to see my picture though, and read up on stuff I've been doing because I told him about my blog. He told me later he went and read it before I came. And then a few days later he called me mid-day to ask me if I'd be interested in going to a happy hour in the Marine House at the embassy the day I planned to arrive. I accepted and convinced my friends to come along...

So the day of we arrived at the embassy and couldn't get through security without him coming down to help us. We were waiting out front and the door kept opening, people leaving from work... and I was waiting for him to walk out and see if he was as cute as he sounded on the phone. So FINALLY after many Salvadorans walked out the front door, the big heavy door opened again... And this very handsome man in a suit walks out and says very professionally, "Let's get this taken care of." And he walked over to talk to the guards while I stayed talking to Jamie and Esther, who knew I was excited about meeting him... and Esther said, "Get it girrrrlll." Haha... Oh, Esther. Anyways, it was a great night... we went from the happy hour to dinner at a Mexican restaurant, that wasn't really a karaoke bar but would have people do random karaoke from their tables. I had several margaritas and sang a song with a big tacky sombrero on my head. Then we went out dancing after and the rest is history.

Been together ever since... And it's been the best year ever. We've talked practically every day since we met... I've gone to the capital to see him when I can. He's been to my site a few times and came to Houston for a short while to hang out with me during one of my visits home. We always have fun together... it's been great! We've had great times traveling together to Copan, Honduras and Roatan, Honduras, and making short trips to the beach here in El Salvador. And we have just as much fun when we're just hanging out together doing nothing- playing scrabble, ordering Chinese. And he cooks! I always wanted a man who would cook for me 

So, last Friday, after he got home from spending a month working in Brazil, he said he wanted to take me to the beach for lunch- to this place that we went to for our first real date -since the first time we went out was because of thanksgiving and not really a date. This place has the best ceviche in El Salvador. We hadn't been back since we had that first date almost a year ago... but we never forgot how good the food was. He was set on going there, making it sound like he just was really really craving some ceviche. So I was like, OK- let's go get some ceviche. And after eating, while enjoying a great bottle of chilled white wine- we're just sitting there talking and I had moved to his side of the table so I could sit next to him and enjoy the beautiful view of the ocean better- watching the surfers. He was holding my hand and rubbing it and I was like, "this is nice" and then he said, "Do you want a hand massage?" And I said sure- although that is kind of an odd thing to say or do at a restaurant... but the restaurant was practically empty anyway. Then he said, "Maybe this will help..." and he reaches in his pocket and pulls out a black box and my eyes got huge and he opens it and there before me was the MOST beautiful ring I had ever seen in my life! And I was so busy getting excited and overwhelmed and freaking out... literally took my breath away, surprising me like that. I guess I must have nodded yes, or my reaction was saying yes... and we were just smiling and then he put it on my finger and I started crying... and he was like, "Well?" And I finally was able to get the words out of my mouth to say yes... It was beautiful and unforgettable... a very special moment. I wasn't able to stop staring at my finger all weekend. I got to show it off when we went to the Marine Ball the following night... with my hair and makeup done and him in a tux. It was the best weekend ever!

I'm back in my site now... and I had to leave my beautiful ring with him at his house... No way am I walking around El Salvador with that on! A ring like that doesn't really belong in the campo. I sure am the luckiest PCV in the world though! I might have to get something that is cheap and of no value to wear while I am in my site. A lot of people asked me- "So are you still going to finish Peace Corps?" Yes, of course I am. I have to finish what I started. I owe it to my community, and to myself, to finish my projects and do what I came here to do. I have many good friends in my site that I am definitely not ready to say goodbye to yet and still have a number of things I want to accomplish. And I only have about 9 months left to do it all! That's crazy! And I know it will go by so fast too!

So I will finish up here next August... Noel will be moving to D.C. next Sept.1st where he will get training in Tagalog for 8 months before we move to Manila in the Philippines. We are still talking about specific dates for the wedding but it will most likely be next fall, and definitely in Houston.

So there ya have it- it's officially official!

In other news- Peace Corps Washingtos has chosen 4 countries in the world to come do an "Impact Evaluation" on and El Salvador is one of the countries. They have chosen specific sites to visit next month and they're planning to visit my community. I'm interested to see how they're planning to do this evaluation- because I was told that I'm not allowed to be in my site at all the day of. It's very important I don't run into them they say. But who's gonna show them around? Are they just gonna show up at people's houses? I am sure I will hear all about it from my community friends afterward.

Jamie came to my site recently and taught some of my youth group kids yoga! It was super fun. She's a yoga master, that one! My kids liked it a lot, which kind of surprised me! When we were wrapping up the class they were asking for more moves to try. I guess they've just never ever moved their bodies in that way before. Next month's youth activity includes self-defense for women. Me and my lovely regional leader Anna are gonna teach ladies how to defend themselves (aka- how to shout and kick men in the balls).

I went to a very nice wedding yesterday in San Vicente, one of my neighbor's sons got hitched. It was the nicest one I've been to in El Salvador. In the cathedral in the park, big long mass... the bride in her HUGE poofy dress. I thought it was interesting how relaxed things were during the ceremony. They let the bride and groom sit during the mass, since it was the super long, stand up, sit down, stand up, sit down kind of church things. But also, people were walking around and talking throughout it. At one point the lady in the pew in front of me (we were sitting kind of far back) walked all the way down the aisle straight to the bride and groom to tell him he forgot to pull the bride's veil back and kiss her... because after it was official, they just kept going on with mass stuff. Of course there were some street dogs walking up and down the aisle during the ceremony as well. We threw rice on them as they walked out the door and then the entire wedding party and guests walked together several blocks from the church where the party was, where we ate a nice chicken dinner on styrofoam plates. It was nice. I wore an ugly ruffly black dress I bought at a thrift store for 10 bucks. It was so hot in the church and the reception hall... the poor bride in her huge poofy cupcake gown was fanning herself all night. Thank God my wedding will be in the land of climate controlled buildings!

Happy Birthday to my Mom today! Mom, you are the best, coolest mom in the world... I love you! Can't wait to see you and everyone at Thanksgiving! Yes, I am leaving Noel to have Thanksgiving with my family on our 1 year anniversary. I'm sad we won't be together for it, but after next year, once we're in the Philippines, having Thanksgiving with them most likely won't be possible... So I am taking advantage of my close proximity while I can! Wish he could come!

Allright folks... it's time for me to get out into the campo and walk around and see some people. I need to sell raffle tickets. I am raffling off a hammock to benefit the 9th grade graduation next week. Lot's of walking and talking to do! I will try to blog again really soon... Because there's always more to catch up on! Things like how my neighbor and I got sweaty and out of breath chasing a huge cat this morning that was trying to eat some of our chickens. This cat was not a regular house cat... it was more like a wild bobcat! I had never seen one of those around here before. And did I tell y'all about the bats in my house? I dont think so... so yes, more blogging to come. LOVE!

Paz y Amor.

p.s. I really wanted to include pictures in this post but my connection won’t allow it. Sorry!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations! Moving to the Phillipines sounds amazing :)
