Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Back to the Beginning

Well here i am tonight... back in the place where my El Salvador adventures began. My first training community. It feels good to be back, and being here makes me think about things. The person that rode into town this morning on the pickup is a very different person than the one that came here for the first time back in July. I have come a long way. I'm getting ready to go to bed... and I remember when I got into this bed to go to sleep my first nights here. And how scared I was. I was nervous falling asleep in this country. All that was unknown to me. I wasn't sure I felt safe. Now I feel so comfortable here... it feels like a second home. And I am so proud that I am back here and I am now able to understand everyone. During training there were certain people that talked with such heavy accents that I couldn't understand anything they said. And now I get it.

I went to the pupuseria tonight with Ceci and Maria... and instead of them making me pupusas, I made pupusas for them! I feel like one of them. And being back in this pueblo- it's funny how much I appreciate the toilet (even though it doesn't flush), having the bathroom in the house with me, and being able to take my bucket bath behind a closed door. Such luxuries. I wont have them for long because I'm moving to my second training community on Saturday, where it's more rural and therefore more like my site. But I will enjoy these things for a few days. What's even better- There should be hot showers in store for me in the near future. We are going to spend a week of our training in a hotel in San Sal. WOO!

I went to the cemetery with Ceci and fam today for the Day of the Dead stuff. It was cool, everybody brings tons of colorful flowers made of paper and plastic and other colorful decorations and they clean of their families tombs and decorate them. They deck them out. The entire cemetery is just popping with color. And we just hung out there, eating and drinking coke, they did a lot of catholic praying. 2 year old Diego came with us. He was climbing all over me like a jungle gym. He has grown a lot in just the 2 months that i have been away. He is talking more... and he remembered me as soon as I walked in the door today. A big "AMY!!!" and ran to me and gave me a hug. I am convinced he is the cutest kid in El Salvador. Sorry Milton.

So tomorrow I will reunite with other gringo friends in San Vi for lunch. It's gonna be fun to share stories about our sites and experiences during this time apart. We have the next 3 weeks to do that during training. So yea... it's nice to have this break. Although it's going to be packed full with work- it still feels like a little vacation.

Before I left my site I went with Don Chepito to buy paint because I have been wanting to paint my house... And he was so kind to bring me and give me several hours of his morning taking me to the paint stores, being so patient. And what did I come back with? A bright bright pink. As soon as we got home I was like Oh no. What was I thinking. I do not want a bright pink house. Oy vey. I need to go exchange it... which I can do if I havent opened it. Thank god. I need to try not to make such impulsive purchases. I am not a bright pink house kinda girl. El Sal's style has thrown me off a little. But I dont know if I even really want to paint my house at all. It's fine the way it is. Again- if it aint broke... don't fix it.

Going to bed! i want to get up and run in the morning... I never ran here in the pueblo before....

Goodnight mundo. Paz y amor!

1 comment:

  1. Amy, I have no doubt that you will get the most possible out of your training. Your blog is absolutely the best. When you think in Spanish more than English...you have arrived. I bet you are there already!!!

    Tienes un gran dia. Salud y paz....Carol
