Monday, November 29, 2010


.... With internet that is!!! Yes my friends... I no longer have to live in the dark for I have a netbook. I went to Office Depot the day before coming back to the capital and found my a pretty purple little HP netbook. I was so mesmerized by how nice looking it was, you all know how much i love purple, that it wasn't until after the purchase and I got it home that I realized the damn thing is in spanish. The keyboard, and the computer itself. This can be problematic. Its not easy learning how to use this thing... the keys say one thing but they do another. It took me hours to figure out just how to make the @ sign. Well I didn't even figure it out, I had to call of the help of others. Soooo, i'm trying to decide if I should part with it and find another, call the store and see if they have an english version or just learn how to use a computer in spanish. Which who knows, could be useful for my job here. One of my program goals is to teach computing to youth... so it would be a good thing to learn. Meh, we'll see.

Thanksgiving was 4 days of heaven in the capital. I was too spoiled with hot showers and good food and not having to ride the bus... So coming back to San Vi was a much needed reality check I suppose. I have to honest. I didn't want to come. I would probably stay in the capital forever if I could... it's too much like home. But anyway, give me a couple of days and I will be loving my campo life again. I came into the pueblo to get some food from the super selectos so at least I wouldn't have to go from the gourmet thanksgiving food straight to nothing but Marinita's beans and cheese. Did I tell you how much I hate the cheese here? Cuajada or Queso Fresco is what they call it. It has grown on me a little... and I mean very little. I am able to at least get it down now... But it's so not good. They take the milk fresh from the cow every morning. Put it in a bucket, throw in some kind of pill that makes it curdle and then they squeeze out all the liquid and voila, you have your stanky cheese. Marinita has caught on to my dislike for it, I haven't even had to tell her. She notices what I do and don't eat. That woman is great. She loves me. When I got back from the capital yesterday she was just walking out of my house after giving it a good sweep. I tell her she doesn't have to do that. But it's kinda nice having a mom that cleans up after me. Not even my Mexican mother Juana (aka: Gringa mom Jane) would clean up after me. And so it is... I can appreciate my campo life and my campo family. And if I can make it so that I can get a few trips into the capital several times a week well then... I just might happily make it through my two years here with out having [too many] mental breakdowns.

This will be a busy week for me. I have meetings to get my youth group going... The kids want a dance group. So we're gonna try it, although I have never taught any coreographed dance in my life. But I can fake it. I can always pull up some stuff on youtube... the worlers in the PC office Im sure will have a great time watching me dance my heart out in front of a computer. This week we also have the big Asamblea to announce the winner of the baby cow raffle. I have $3 with my name on tickets... So who knows, I could be the proud mama of a baby cow? what am I going to do with a pet cow you might be wondering. Welll.... I will let her frollick in my front yard with the others... and protect her from the slaughter house and the injections with dirty needles from Don Chepito. And she will have an adorable name... like what? what is a good baby cow name? Oprah? lol.....

I missed a big wedding in my town while I was out for the San Sal turkeypalooza. Apparently the millionaire man that grew up in my canton flew the couple in for their grand entrance on a helicoptor. Then he gave people rides in the helicoptor. I missed out. But we're friends, maybe he will come in on it again someday. Pretty fancy for a campo wedding huh.

Allright I better finish with my new facebook photos and get to the store before I miss the midday bus back home. Hope you folks back home have a happy holiday! Love and miss y'all... but i'll be seeing you soon!!!

Paz y amor.

1 comment:

  1. Oprah!!! I think that is hillarious! Love, Juana
