Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Things are looking up, my friends....

Sold pupusas with my youth group Tuesday to raise money for our activities. We sold over $50 worth of pupusas- which is really great when they are 35 cents each or 3 for a dollar. Unfortunately to buy what we needed to make them all was probably about $25 so, the profit wasn't stupendous... but if we do it every week, poco a poco, we'll get somewhere. It was great to see all the kids helping out in their own way too. Each had their own responsibility, salsa, curtido, taking orders and delivering, etc.

And tomorrow we are having out first ever dance workshop. My volunteer friend Alayna has a dance group in her site and a lot of dancing experience, so she's going to come and teach us some moves. I'm excited to see how the kids do with it... I hope they won't be to penosos, shy or embarrased, to actually move and get jiggy in front of everyone. I hope this group keeps going strong, we are off to a really great start. I bought Alayna lunch today as a thank you for helping me... and where did she want to go? To the torta stand where lunch was less than $2. LoL, Cheap date! But they were good tortas!

It's been getting hotter and hotter here. Dry season. There is just dust and dirt everywhere. My house is a dust box. I need to put another tarp over my mosquito net to prevent so much of the dust and dirt from falling on my bed. I get in my bed, breath it all in, and don't want to move around to much and feel the grainy rough dirt underneath me. I know, I could try and not be too lazy and shake out my sheets before i get in at night. But when the hour comes that I am finally tired, I just want to crash. Some nights I just sleep in my hammock to avoid it all together. I keep my toothbrush in the fridge... otherwise I'm sure it would be covered with dirt and I would just be rubbing it all over my teeth. I should probably mop my floor though, I've only done it once or twice since I moved in. But the way I see it, people here live in huts with dirt floors, they never mop those. LoL ok i should mop my floors soon, keep my house looking pretty.

We haven't had running water in my site for days, which isn't too fun when it's as hot as it has been and I've covered in dirt all the time. I run my hand through my hair and it's all dry and dusty. And touch my finger to my eyebrow to brush out, yes, more dust. I resorted to using the cows drinking water from their trough to bathe the other day. And yesterday all of that was gone, so it was a baby wipe bath. I came to the training center prepared today.... they have showers, so I've got to take advantage of them! I'm sure it won't be hot, but yay! Water? That falls on you from above! Lovely!

I was walking down in the centro of the community yesterday though, and saw this adobe house- you know, walls made of mud. I noticed it had a beautiful very new looking pila, the big cement thing that people store their water in. I said to my friend "Who lives there?" she said "No one." So I was like "hmmmmm....." Maybe I'll move there. It's a really ugly hut of a house... but at least it would be all mine. It is really right in the center of things though...

Good thing though- I am now completely acostumbrada to the chicken/cow/dog noises at night I don't even have to sleep with ear plugs anymore. Although, when I went to Jamie's site last week I did hear a different animal noise throughout the night that completely threw me off. Apparently she has pigeons living under her bed and they make this odd coo-ey noise. Now you might ask, Why the hell does Jamie have pigeons sleeping under her bed at night? Well her family's answer to that is that they have to sleep inside or the chuchos, dogs, will eat them. She tried to create a barrier by running the tape from her med kit across the legs of the bed.... but the palomas just broke right through.Oh Jamie, givin' you props girl. I could not live like you do. I feel like it's bad enough just have the chickens and gallinas living on my front and back porch. Under my bed? hell no.

This weekend I'm off to Honduras, just for a couple of days with Noel and some of his friends. I never knew I wanted to go to Honduras... but after looking into the place we are going to, I'm very excited! I can't pass up the opportunity to go... going in a car and not by bus and we're going to stay at a nice place near some ruins and hot springs and all kinds of beautiful things. Going to be so much fun :) YAY! Love my life.

Paz y Amor.

1 comment:

  1. I feel so happy knowing you love your life mija.
