Wednesday, February 8, 2012

What I Know For Sure...

It's difficult to explain why it has taken me so long to write this blog... but I will give it my best shot.

So.... I am no longer a Peace Corps Volunteer. And I'm ok with that now. I was putting off writing this blog because it felt like it would be such a challenge. Most of my blogs from my service were about day to day life and bugs and things. This one felt much harder to tackle... like it's the one in which I'm supposed to share a poetic goodbye and sum up what I have learned from my Peace Corps service. I didn't know how. And I was going through the shock of leaving my 3rd world life while settling into my new one. I needed some time to process my thoughts and feelings on the whole thing before I came out and shared them with the world, ya know?

I'm still not sure how to do this. I want this blog to give justice to my service, to the experience, to my friends, and to El Salvador. How can I put into words how life-changing and gratifying this experience has been? How can I bring readers to understand? I think maybe the only people that will really get it are others who have been through it. It has just been that huge... But this is what I know for sure...

I came to El Salvador in July 2010 looking for something. I wanted to improve my Spanish. I wanted to really know what it's like to live a different lifestyle, to live in another country, another culture. To live poor. To focus on what really matters. And to help the people in my community in some way. To teach them something. To help improve their quality of life in some small way. I got all of this and more.

It's too bad I couldn't stay through to September like I had planned... but in Peace Corps they always say, "Expect the Unexpected." It just wasn't meant to be. And I feel good about what I have done in my service. I can honestly say that I left it feeling like I made a difference in my community and I have learned so much. It was a gift. I found exactly what I was looking for. Peace Corps was something I had dreamed of doing since my early years of college. And I'm proud that I had the courage to go for it... So that I never will have to live with regret or say "I should've..."

And it was scary at first. I will never forget how hard it was to say bye to my parents. How I asked my mom, "How long do you think I should give it before I quit and come home?" because I was scared. How I hugged my dad, crying at the airport before I left to go off to my new, very different home. Once I got on the plane I was fine. Like many things, just going was harder than anything... I was so happy to be in El Salvador in my first months. So grateful for the opportunity. My friend Jamie and I were always saying to each other, "We're livin' the dream! Livin the dream..." The honey moon phase did eventually wear off though and my "Livin' the dream" motto was replaced by, "How many more months?" It was often tough and challenging. Sometimes uncomfortable. At times I faced heart-crushing depression. But I worked through it. It got better. I became more a part of my community... it began to feel more like home. More like I belonged there. I felt good about what I was doing there. I could have happily finished my service... But it just wasn't meant to be.

PC is downsizing and reorganizing their program in El Salvador greatly because of safety and security issues with gangs and drug trafficking. Even if I could have stayed until the of my 2 year time commitment, they probably would have moved me to a new site. They are trying to move volunteers to keep them in clusters in only in the safest parts of the country. No way would I have wanted a site-change.

So just a few weeks ago it became final. January 21st was my last day as a Peace Corps Volunteer. It was weird at first, a bit of an emotional roller coaster- because I was dealing with my close of service and saying goodbye to San Jacinto so much sooner than planned. I didn't even say goodbye to many of the other volunteers. I missed out on some of that closure. But I feel good about where I am now. It has really sunk in now, that chapter of my life has ended. I will carry its lessons and memories with me for the rest of my life.

San Jacinto will always be like home to me. My youth group threw me an awesome goodbye party before I left. Marinita and Chepito gave me such a heartfelt goodbye, making it clear that I am like family to them now. My goodbyes were full of tears, but they were good tears... because my relationships with those people were so unique and special. And I knew that when I left there in the Peace Corps car with my bosses, it would not be the last time I see San Jacinto and my wonderful friends there.

In summary, joining Peace Corps was the best decision I ever made. So glad I did it... I learned so much, grew so much, yada yada... and best of all... I met and fell in love with the man I want to spend the rest of my life with, Noel. Now we get to spend our lives traveling the world together! Would I do Peace Corps again? No way. Once was enough. Now I am free to go where I want, when I want and drive a car and see other Americans all the time. And sometimes I think to myself, if I could do Peace Corps... I can do anything!

So I will be going back to San Jacinto soon. Definitely will be going to visit since I will be spending time with Noel in San Salvador. He doesn't finish his service in El Salvador until September. In the meantime, we're planning a trip to Roatan, Honduras and Antigua, Guatemala. I'll just be traveling, hanging out, and planning our wedding which will be October 6, 2012! In Houston. Yowzas! Thats only like 8 months away :) Then we will be in D.C. until we move to Manila, Philippines in June 2013. Which by the way is only a mere 20 hour flight from DC. LoL... Definitely the farthest I've ever lived from home. But it will be another exciting adventure! My first time to Asia. There are beautiful tropical islands there... and I will always be happy to live in a place where it is warm year round! I will have to start a different blog to keep y'all up to date on my adventures over there like I have in "Hola El Salvador." Maybe it will be called, "Mabuhay Manila!" I think that's how you say hello in Tagalog.

OK! I did it! I have successfully finished writing the entry that I thought would be the hardest one to write ever. That's a wrap my friends. Thanks for following me along on my journey throughout Peace Corps. It hasn't always been the easiest to write about. But what I know for sure is... It's been real!

Paz y Amor,

My last picture of Milton, carrying all the stuff I gifted his family. 

At the Despedida my Youth Group did for me! Every single balloon had a small piece of paper on it that said, "We will miss Amy." So sweet!

Don Tulio came to sing me a goodbye song on my last day in San Jacinto. This man was always so sweet to me. Took my trash out for me everyday. Called me his "Jaimita Linda."

P.S. I just want to add... A million thanks to my close loved ones who supported me on this journey. You know who you are... You all were there for me whenever I needed anything, encouraging me and assuring me that I could do it. Mom- always tellin' me to keep my head up and stuff... I just love you, and want you to know how much I appreciate your love and support. I couldn't have done it without you all!

1 comment:

  1. Amy..... I am so proud of you girls for taking a giant step when you joined the Peace Corps. Your experience is beyond words and I know your friendship with Jamie will last a lifetime. Thanks for the "gringa" time you shared with her. I wish you the best in your future ventures. BTW....DC is only 4 hours from us. Try and schedule a visit while you are there.
