Thursday, October 21, 2010

Asamblea General = Success!

From 10-19

Asamblea General = Success! I am so happy to have that checked off my list. I was kind of nervous about it because my boss the program director was coming and she came with my regional leader. I had everything prepared- my speech, a poster about me, a map of my community that I made with some youth. I even made a little power point to share some pictures I have taken around the community, but of course- the power went out at the school this afternoon so I couldn’t show it. Funny how there is power there EVERY afternoon except for when I have my assembly.  The powerpoint wasn’t a big deal, but having the microphone would have been nice. Because I had well over 100 people show up and talking to that many people without a microphone can strain the voice. And it did. But I did well anyway. When i was talking everyone was very quiet and intent on listening. After I was done the school principal and teachers led a meeting- something about disaster prevention with hurricanes I think. I dont know I couldn’t really follow. I thought it was just me because I had just given the big speech and was tired after giving it so I couldn’t pay attention well enough to understand. But later my neighbors told me that had no idea what they were talking about either! That they understood me and everything I said perfectly, but once the others started talking they had no idea what was going on. HEY! that’s a good thing!

I had a mesa de honor where I had all of the important people sit- like my Community Guides, Host parents, Community leaders, etc. And I had my community map was huge- I asked people to come up and mark where their houses are on the map to get a little participation. Of course it was kinda hard to have all those people do it... I never imagined I’d have that many! A lot of people left without doing it, but at the same time, there were a lot of people getting into it.  I finished the meeting off with plans to go to two peoples houses this week, and a date with some girls to teach me some soccer skills next monday. Eek. Soccer. I don’t know if it’s my thing but I’ll try.

I straightened my hair and put on make up for the first time in a month for my meeting today. I felt like a different person from the Amy that’s been walking around all grubby. It was weird. And everyone that saw me was shocked and all “WOW” because they’ve haven’t seen me cleaned up like that. I was like- C’mon do I really look that different? I guess I did, by the way they were acting. And I admit, around here- most days I don’t even look in a mirror. It’s somewhat liberating... but at times maybe not so good. The excessive amounts of tortillas here are making me fat. I made a date with some girls to go running at 5:30 in the morning tomorrow. yikes. I am gonna get up and go, as much as I hate myself for committing to it. Last time I made a date to run at 6:30 with some different girls, the girls didn’t show up. I wouldn’t be surprised if that happens tomorrow. But I do what I say I’m gonna do.  And an early morning run would be good for me. I run in my keen hiking shoes. They’re comfy, just a little heavy. I was stupid not to bring my running shoes to this country.

I sort of get internet at my house now. As terrible as the connection is I am happy to have it. It’s too weak for skype, and browsing the net, but it is good enough for checking email and chatting a bit.
People here eat cucumbers with hot sauce, lime, salt, and some weird powder that i dont know what it is. That’s become my favorite snack here. As those closest to me know... I am a sucker for anything with hot sauce on it!

Also I have become very fond of chocobananas. They freeze bananas and dip them in the hard shell chocolate. Is it bad to eat 3 bananas in one day? Probably too much isn’t it? Ok... need to cool it with the chocobananas.

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