Monday, October 4, 2010

The Cheese Stands Alone

From 9-30

Yesterday was the Misa Patronal of my community... their biggest Catholic Mass of the year. It was a big thing for the community so I was expected to go. It was pouring rain though- to get to the church I had to taked off my shoes, roll my pants up above my knees and wade through a flooded street barefoot. When the mass was over it was still raining- but that didn’t stop these devoted catholics from their procession through the streets. I think it was a bad idea for them to take their guitars out in the rain... that will ruin a guitar! It’s funny whenever it rains, people usually use it as an excuse to stay home and not go anywhere. But yesterday there was no stopping them.

Many people in my town are very religious. They are either Catholic or Evangelical. I have yet to visit an Evangelical service, but I hear they are pretty intense- with people screaming and crying and falling on the floor. Yea. I don’t mind religious people, but sometimes things do get a little weird. It can be a bit much at times. Everytime they say they want to do something in the future they say “Primero Dios” or “Si Dios permite”- It’s like they’re saying “If God lets it happen.” I’ll say, “So are we having a meeting tomorrow?” They say, “Si Dios permite.” And I’m like- so does that mean yes? God gave you the right to make decisions for yourself. Can you please just say yes or no. I love how they say “Gracias a Dios” about everything.... Thanks to God, right. Well one of my friends didn’t understand. He thought that people were saying “Thank you Goodbye” all the time because a Dios sounds like Adios. Haha. I have started saying these phrases sometimes too, it helps build the confianza.

Well I don’t have much time left because I need to go get lunch and do a bit of shopping. Then I am going to meet up with my fellow San Vicente volunteers- they are having a get together, kind of welcoming me and Jamie to the crew. Should be fun. But before I go, let me write about the time I made macaroni and cheese for my host family in San Isidro. I don’t think it made it into my blog- and I was telling me mom about it and she said it was definitely one to write about. Soooo....

My parent’s sent me tons of boxes of Kraft Macaroni and Cheese. I decided to make it for my family for dinner one night. I made it with my host sister and so my parents didnt see exactly how it was made. But they were like- “Ooooooh Amyyyy. This is gooood! What do you call this?” And I’m like “Macaroni and Cheese.” They look at me funny, so I say “Macaroni y Queso.” They had never seen yellow cheese like that before. They thought it was really great and fancy. They asked me “So you taught Erica how to make this, now she can make it for us in the future!?” And I had to say, “Well, no, you have to have the box.” They didn’t quite understand that the food was made with ingredients from a box. Powder that turns into cheese is a foreign concept for them. Anyways, it was great.... Good ol’ American food from a box!

On another note, I love coming to the training center and using the bathroom here. It is so enjoyable to use a real toilet, and not have to sit over a huge hole filled with years worth of excrements and not knowing what kind of nasty things are crawling below you. I never imagined I would ever enjoy sitting on a real toilet so much.

School was canceled today and tomorrow because of all the rain. And here I am in the city today, and the sky is clear! So off I go to get some shopping done!

Paz y Amor :)

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