Sunday, March 13, 2011

You just have to GO

What am I doing here? that's what I have been asking myself lately. Ok, the other PCV gringos were right. Going back to the oosa f*cks with you. Just trying to get myself back into the swing of things... poco a poco. Going home was really nice. Seeing my parents and being able to drive myself around to all my favorite places, to get anything i want. That's what the United States of America is. The land where you can get anything you want at any given time. And you can check your email a thousand times a day on a fancy iPad, and watch all the trashy american television you want, and the world is your oyster. It's incredible. It was interesting to be there for a few weeks, living the life, just like my life was before I left... almost... minus a few things.... and I felt almost if I had never left. Would it have felt like that if I would have waited until a year before going back? Perhaps.

One of my surprising highlights of the trip was visiting my old middle school that I taught at. I was sort of feeling hesitant about going... but it was a great day. I got to hang out with my great teaching friend Katie and talk with all of her classes about peace corps, because I had been corresponding with them since the start of the year. Got to answer some of their very interesting questions, and some students even came up with the wonderful idea of having a fundraiser to get money for my school in my site. I like that idea! :) It was fun to catch up with old colleagues and feel the walls of an American public school again. As surprising as that sounds... Well at least to myself and those that knew me while I was teaching.

So, in the USA I ate my heart out... to the point of pain and loss of sleep at times. Because I had to eat all that I can't get where I live, you know? It was ridiculous. Pho. Mexican. Cajun. Chic-fil-a. And the best of all!..... Dad's BBQ!!!!! And I got a fantastic pedicure with Mom. Enjoyed a wonderful happy hour with her at PF Changs. Saw my grandma. Hung out with my bro and met his awesome new ladyfriend Jenny :) Had my most excellent boyfriend come hang out for a weekend and went to the Houston livestock show and Rodeo.... and went shooting with him and Dad, for a real proper Texas weekend. Went shopping with my old pal Sarah and spent way too much money on things I can't get abroad. Hung out with my good friend Gjabby and had an extremely unique and tasty salad and wine with great conversation, of course.... I will miss all of you. I DO miss you. Already. It was a great trip. So great, that it makes it hard to be back. But I will get there, back into the swing of things. Poco a poco. That's how it all goes.

I find myself whining and complaining and hurting about all that I'm going to miss.... all that maybe I had nearly forgotten about after being away for 8 months and this trip reminded me of. BUT, yes.... BUT.... My life is awesome. I am happy. And grateful for this experience. this adventure. It comes with its trying times, yes. But doesn't almost everything? You just have to go with it. Stop being a whiney titty baby and be a grown up and grab it by the horns and go..... You just have to go. And be confident in the fact that at the end of it all, it will all be worth it.

1 comment:

  1. la vida es una gran lección... no siempre nos damos cuenta ... pero siempre nos enseña algo nuevo... me da gusto q estes aceptando tu realidad y viviendo tu vida con filosofia de guerrera! un beso litch!
