Monday, September 26, 2011

A Big Update

Rumour has it that there is a woman in the town over that hasn't bathed in 37 years. She has 7 daughters. Supposedly her motive for not bathing is in some sort of protest to God for not giving her a son. She thinks that God would not want her to suffer and that eventually he will give her the son that she has always wanted. I'm pretty sure this story has to be an excellent example of how out of control gossip can get out here in the campo. What was months of not bathing could have somehow turned into 37. I don't believe it could be true. Who can do that? Not bathe for 37 YEARS!? What would happen to you? How bad would you smell? I don't think anyone could do it... And if this woman wants to have a son, she has to have sex with someone... who would want to touch her after not bathing for nearly 4 decades? Who knows... it couls be true. There are some real crazies in this world. Like those people that are in the Guinness Book of World Records for having fingernails longer than they are tall.

Speaking of crazies- there's a guy that lives in my town that is obviously not right in the head. He is always wheeling around this huge tire on foot and tells people it's his car. He really does think its his car. He's offered me a ride before. I've seen him miles away from our town wheeling it on the site of the highway too...

Another interesting rumour- one that I'm pretty sure is actually true. There is this house on the side of the highway that sells gas. It is not a gas station, but they sell gas. Supposedly they have dug an underground route to the pipes at the gas station and have hooked up more pipes to bring it to their house... Where they sell the gas for much cheaper than at the actual gas station. The buses I take at times stop off there to get their refills. Isn't that crazy? And very illegal. I always did wonder how the bus companies around here make any money if gas is so expensive and my fair is only $0.80 for an hour-long ride. I'm positive the police know about this going on... but perhaps no one does anything about it because the transportation systems are heavily controlled by gangs and getting between them and the money they receive from the bus company's... could get very ugly.

So I was going to post this blog over the weekend when I had access to better internet to put up pics in the blog as well... but I forgot the cord for my camera... So here I am posting this blog without pics because I don't want to wait until I have good internet again to post. My readers are anxiously awaiting... lol... well... maybe, if they're not bored with me by now.

I have been uber busy this month because I've started my baking workshop. Which is going AWESOME! The kids are making something new every day and loving it. They're so enthusiastic and dedicated to this course, I'm really impressed. They are all in their seats ready to start class way ahead of time, so that when I walk in , there they all are. It makes me feel good, that all my hard work on writing the grant to get the money for the course has really paid off. I think the youth here need more opportunities like this to learn new skills and participate in something positive and worthwhile in their free time. I hope I can find more money to bring more courses here... this NGO I'm working with also offers courses in auto-mechanics, cake-making, electrical work, and cosmetology. Having special skills gives these people an opportunity to earn an income and do something other than work in the field or do housework. The kids in my course are already teaming up and planning on how they can get their own bakery started. We talk about small business skills as part of the course too. And it would be super cool if they started a bakery here because while most towns have several, we don't have a single one in my town. All our bread comes from outside, and it's not as fresh or good.

So yea, the time I spend in my site these days is more productive and meaningful. The only thing is- I never have much of a clue about what's going on in the world. I rarely have a chance to watch TV- except for when I go to Noel's, but weekend TV does not keep me up to date on things. I don't really ever watch the news or read newspapers. I'm wondering what it will be like when I get out of here and go back to the states- hardly knowing what went on for 2 whole years... Will I know what people are even talking about? A lot can happen in 2 years. Oh well, it's not really too bad. I kinda like it. Things feel less noisy.

My Comite de Jovenes is up and running! We're planning an excursion to some swimming pools in San Miguel next month as a fundraiser for our activities. Hopefully some more vocational trainings! Some recreational stuff- like a soccer tournament and Field Day. Educational events. Career Fair. Who knows. On the 6th we have another Youth Assembly to see what the youth's interests and needs are to help us prioritize and guide our planning. We're doing this because, again, kids here don't have opportunities to participate in positive activities. Which is what leads to them doing things like hanging out with the wrong people, getting into trouble, joining gangs, etc. Same for kids all over the world. They need help. They need opportunity. Someone to motivate them. So here's to hoping for the best while my newly formed Youth Commitee gets things goin. It would be amazing if I could set up a way for people stateside to donate to my youth projects. I'm gonna look into that! There's never enough money is there! I have spent a lot of my own money on lots of little things for my projects over the last year. Foolish of me perhaps, when I only get $300 a month. At the end of every month my PC account is bone dry.

Oh, Peace Corps. Sometimes I think about how I went from my decent and comfortable teaching salary to this- and I laugh. I gave up a good job to come here and work for free. LoL... I suppose I also may be one of those so called crazies I was talking about earlier. But being here, I'm getting paid in so many other ways- that make me much richer. Like I'm finally fluent in the language that I got a frikin' college degree in. And I have a much deeper love and appreciation for the U.S. and my culture. And I met the most wonderful, loving man and made many new great friends I never would have had otherwise. And I will leave knowing that I did something to improve the lives of some people here in some way. All of that is priceless.

Milton turned 4 last Monday. Because I love that boy so much, I threw him his first ever birthday party! I got him a pinata as big as he is that he came to visit at my house every day up to the party he was so excited there was a pinata to beat in his honor. I played games with the kids like musical chairs. We danced, and ate cake. It was a lot of fun! I wonder if he will remember me when I'm gone. When I leave here he will be almost 5... Who remember stuff from before they were 5? Sigh....

I have my mid-service medical stuff coming up. I'm so looking forward to going to the dentist for a cleaning. Not so much looking forward to pooping in a little tiny plastic cup to see what kinds of parasites and friends I have inside of me. I've had to do that a few times now- it sure would be nice if they gave me a bigger cup. It's hard to see what you're doin back there. TMI? So sorry.

Lastly, I have some news. I'm going to go home for Thanksgiving!! Haha, it will be my 3rd time paying a visit to Houston during my service. Most PCVs only make it home once during service. But I'm Posh Corps like that. Ha, well... I wouldnt have gone home so much if Houston weren't so close and if I didnt have all those airline credits to use up before August. Lucky me. I always did love Thanksgiving. And it will be very nice to be with my family on it. Only wish Noel could come too... then it would really be perfect.

Well there you have it.... a complete update. I will try to blog again soon so I dont have to make such a novel out of it.


Pictures next time hopefully!

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