Friday, September 2, 2011

Talk to the Hand

I am very jealous that Noel is in the USA right now. And I'm in the campo in El Salvador with allergies... and my period. Let me be blunt... it is not fun having your period in the campo in El Salvador. LoL... TMI, gentlemen? Sorry. Anyway, I'll be super happy if he brings me back a bag of flaming hot cheetos or some other tasty American snack foods I can't get here :)

Some things that have been running through my mind lately:

I sure ain't perfect. But at least I try.

I often say the wrong things... but, oh well. I'm getting better with filtering my thoughts from my words as time goes on. And it's usually just because I'm being honest... Although, is honesty really always the best policy? when it comes to someone's feelings getting hurt?

There's been some drama and commotion around the campo lately about the girls I have chosen to help with scholarships to go to high school. But whatevs... I stand by my decisions. They are questioning my actions... like, "Why didn't you give it to THAT girl instead? or THAT one?" I actually walked into all of my teachers at lunch the other day having a conversation about this... They weren't expecting me. But you know, I can't help them all. I know my girls I chose deserve it. And every child that wishes to continue their education deserves the support to do so. My girls are awesome. They're good kids... they have good grades... they're leaders... They deserve scholarships just as much as the quiet girls with the straight A's. Ugh. Whatever, drama. I don't need you.

That's one thing I think I am learning a lot about in Peace Corps. How to just turn my head away from the drama... and to just let people have a problem with me and the way I do things. You can't please all the people all the time. Well... almost never really.

So tomorrow is my big Youth Committee Election Day. I invited all the teenagers of my community to come nominate and elect their leaders. Let's hope it goes well! My entire community of over a thousand people is watching. The kids are going to vote secretly by putting beans into the bags that have the names of candidates on them. Counting all those beans might take a while.

I can't seem to give up my Chicken Noodle Soup and Ramen Noodle habit. It's gross. But just too easy. Anyone want to send me some snacks? :) I've gotten bored with the food here. And I am in such a rut mostly because it's only once a week that I can go to the grocery store and I have to be able to carry everything in bags on my shoulders that I'm gonna eat... and walk with it about half a mile before I get to my house... So I can't buy too many things. Oh how nice those days were... going grocery shopping at Kroger. Pushing the shopping cart up to the trunk of my car. Loading it. Driving all of it to my door step. What luxury.

The other night I had a dream about driving a car. I thought it was the best thing ever. Oh I cant wait to be able to do that again :)

But this grocery trip I did treat myself to a nice bottle of wine, Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Vanilla Soy Milk, V8 and Fruit Cups. Things I don't buy regularly. Huge expense when you're living on $300 a month.

Well... Noel got his assignment for his next post... And its.... the.... Phillipines! Way cool! But he doesnt actually start the job there until July 2013... after months and months of language training in Tagalog in DC. Yay!

I'm really looking forward to November and December... to get a break during the holiday season. And I'm trying to figure out when my next vacation will be. Really starting to feel like I need to have a flight out of El Salvador to look forward to.

But in the meantime... I'll be here... workin my tush off in the campo.... Occasional trips to the city or the beach... Same ol' Same ol'.

I want something new... Any hobby suggestions? Or workout video suggestion? p90x is getting old. Anybody want to send me some snacks or things to do or suggestions? Or does anyone want to actually come VISIT me :)?? LoL... Come on friends, gimme' somethin! Por favor :)

Ok well i'm gonna be a good little host daughter now and go say goodnight to my host parents... Helps keep up the confianza.

To all a good night.

Paz y Amor.


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