Thursday, July 29, 2010

Feelin´Hot Hot Hot

Hola a todos! How ya doin? If any of you who read this have time to write me an email0 tell me whats going on with you and how life is... i would LOVE that! Letters from home are always nice... and I want to stay connected with yáll. So please, write!

I have been keeping so busy that I can hardly find time to blog. I have spanish class 4 hours a day and then we have meetings and stuff with schools and youth in the afternoon. Saturday I´m going on a field trip with all the other "youthies" (thats what they call us youth development vulunteers) to the department of Morazan, 2 hours away. WooHOO field trip! I will be happy to get to spend time with my friends that I dont get to see while i´m here in my pueblo. I am in my pueblo with 4 other Youthies for my training... we have our classes together and work on our projects together.

One of my friends here in my pueblo had an eventful night last night... A pretty strong storm came in last night. I didnt think too much of it because it rains really hard here every day in the evening and afternoon. Whenever the storms come the power usually goes out and we sit in the dark. The yankee candle that I bought my host family as a gift proved to be an excellent choice! They are using it every night when the power is out. So the storm had passed and were sitting by candlelight playing a card game called burro, my family and i... when i heard my friend calling my name from the street. I went out and saw my other volunteer friends, who had come to check on my to see if i was ok after the storm. Apparently, during the storm Jessica was sitting in her living room at her house chatting with her family, when lightning struck the roof right above her and put a big hole in the roof. AY AY AY! And then a scorpion crawled through it. QUE LOCO, NO!? So today they are putting an entire new roof on her house!

My house seems to be the newest one that was built strong. My family said it was just built two years ago. Some of the houses they are living in, their families have been living in for generations.

I washed my clothes for the first time today... in the ¨pila" which is the sink kind of area. Most pilas have two sides, one for washing food and plates, and the other one for clothes... well my family really only has one side. So I have to wash my dirty underweat in the same place that I see them putting down raw meat and corn that we eat for dinner. I think i will start taking my clothes to the river to wash them.

I am already missing food from home. I have been eating so many pupusas and tortillas they are coming out of my nose. When my host sister brought me another pupusa this morning for breakfast, my heart sank a little. I couldnt even get it down, I have been eating so many, and its def not breakfast food for me. Yesterday she made me a hamburger for breakfast. It was good. But again... for breakfast? a hamburger? i really will just have to get used to it. I am going to try to go to the market next time i go to the city to buy some cereal and yogurt and stuff. I need to talk with my sister again about food... I just really dont want to offend her. It´s a touchy subject. But she´s cool, and so is the rest of my family.

I finally got a cell phone! yay! if you want my number let me know... i´d love to get calls and text from you guys.

ok i have to get going now... we have to go to the school. Then i just want to rest... washing all my clothes on a rock wore me out!

Before i go... I want to share my wish list with yá case any of you would like to be so awesome and send me some stuff that I want.... i will love you forever.... and u can send it to the address i have listed in my previous post... only while i´m in training does that address work though. Ok here it is:

-butt wipes
-a mirror that i can stand up or hang on a string
-a few of ur favorite children´s books in spanish (dr seuss, bearnstein bears, etc)
-some herbal essences shampoo, conditioner
-eye makeup remover (the liquid kind. i think there is some in the bathroom drawer i left behind mom, dad)
-mac n cheese
-shoe leather protector ( i mightve left some of that behind at home too mom dad)
-printed pictures of you :)

ok, paz y amor! adios!

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