Saturday, July 31, 2010

Tengo Suerte

Yesterday I hit my first bump in the road. I got really bummed out and was missin my people from back home. I felt a lot better after I talked to mom and dad on the phone. They are good at saying the right things and making me feel better. Thanks mom and dad! I also feel much better today after getting out of my pueblo for the day to hand out with other Youthies.

We went to visit a Youth Development volunteer in the department of Morazan. After the 2 hour microbus ride I arrived safely and feeling fine- thanks to drammamine!!! We got to see were the PCV guy lives and his school that he works for and hear about other projects he is working on. His site is awesome!!! And when we got to the school he had a bunch of students there waiting for us that sang us a welcome song ¨Bienvenidos bienvenidossssss¨ over and over again. Then we spent the entire morning playing dinamicas- basically just games that we will use as icebreakers when we start working with our own youth groups. It was pretty fun. I was really impressed by the volunteer leading the activities with his flawless spanish and enthusiasm. I was looking at him and thinking "am i going to be able to do that?" Its hard to imagine right now... but he is a year in, and i´m sure that i will be able to get there.

When we were done with the visit, we went to lunch. PIZZA PIZZAAAA!!!!!!!!!! I was soooo excited about this pizza after all the frijoles and tortillas i´ve been filling myself with. If i had this pizza back home, i´m sure i would have been really disappointed with it... but today, it tasted amazing! Then we had a nice ride back home talking about all that is to come....

At the end of August we have a free weekend that just so happens to be the same weekend as my birthday! SWEET! There is this no alcohol during training rule... except for on our free weekend. SO we are going to go to the BEACH. Lucky me right! And i´m gonna enjoy some brewskies with my new friends. What a wonderful birthday present :)

Ok well it´s time to get home and take my bucket bath for the day. The cold water feels so good after a long hot sweaty day. Then i´ll spend time with my family and go hang out at the family´s pupuseria restaurant like i do every night. My family is great. I hear about what some of the other trainees´ houses are like and i realize again... how lucky i am.

Paz y amor.

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