Thursday, September 23, 2010

I am still alive

WOW! Here I am, blogging again! Finally! I got to my new site last Friday and discovered that I now live in a place where my mobile internet doesnt work. :( Too bad! I am going to try to see if there is another company I could get that does work around here. There is internet at the school however, but it was not working all week. It´s usually down after a big storm, and well, during this season there is a big storm just about every week.

I wrote a great blog the other night and saved it to my USB but I wrote it on my mac and forgot to save it as a word doc. So i am unable to post it here today. I will hopefully get it up tomorrow.

My new site is great! It´s pretty big and very spread out, so I have to walk alot, on rocky dirt roads (that turn to mud in the rain) and through fields filled with cows and pigs. I have my own little house right next to my host families house. It´s nice being able to have some privacy! You will hear more about my new home when I get my blog I wrote earlier this week up.

The view from the window inside my new host family´s house!

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