Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Oogy Feeling

Today I am on my first “Standfast.” Peace Corps told us we are not allowed to leave our sites “due to general chaos in the country.” Hmmm. That doesn’t sound too good. But don’t worry I am fine... the Peace Corps staff here is excellent about looking out for us. From what I understand, the maras (gangs) are mad because the government is trying to pass laws to get them under control. There is one law they are trying to pass about tattoos. Tattoos are gang-related says the government, so if you have tattoos, you must be in a gang and therefore they will arrest you or do something to you. What a ridiculous law. Tattoos can’t be illegal! Can’t they come up with something better?

So now the gangsters are retaliating and reasserting their power. Yesterday they burned a couple more buses- one in Santa Ana, and one in the capital. There weren’t any people on them this time, thank god. The bus drivers are on strike.... I think as ordered by the maras. If they try to run as normal, they would be shot. This is mostly in and around the capital... but many buses are not running all over the country. Even here in San Vicente. Because of fear. Last night a taxi driver in San Vicente was shot around 6 or 7 pm. Someone came to get a ride like any other person, and once they were out of the city on a side road, passenger shot and killed the driver. I don’t really get it. What do the maras have against the taxi drivers? Not cool. And apparently the driver was the father of a professional soccer player here in El Sal.

Yuck. Maras give me an oogy feeling. I hope I don’t have to travel through the capital on my way to my site. And if I do, I hope this all settles down in the next couple weeks before I have to go anywhere.

Tomorrow is our site assignment day... Even if the buses aren’t running, they say that they will come pick us up from our village I think. I hope so! I don’t want to have to wait any longer to find out where I’m going!

1 comment:

  1. I have a good feeling about your site assignment... It is going to be wonderful... Finally a home you can call your own. xoxox
