Monday, September 27, 2010

Yada Yada

Teachers here only make about $500 a month. That´s pretty bad. I made that in a week as a teacher in Texas. Well.. the teacher here do only work for half the day... but still. That´s not enough to live on.

When I first came here I really didn´t like the tortillas and all the beans. Now I am surprised how much I like them and how satisfying they are. The tortillas are thick and heavy. At first I couldn´t eat many of them. Now I eat like 2 or 3 with every meal. LoL. I have also been eating the veggies and fruits here knowing that my mom does not wash them properly. If eaten raw they are supposed to soak in chlorinated water for 30 minutes... But of course my host mom doesnt know that. And a lot of times I just take everything she gives me with a smile... If i was constantly asking her how she prepared things she would be offended. So I just eat it... I am gonna get sick eventually no matter what. So i´m not going to be super anal about what I eat. Unless it just looks awful and disgusting. It´s not gonna kill me. One day I wilI probably get amoebas and in face, kind of am looking forward to it. I will get to go stay at the nice hospital in the capital that I hear is really sweet and comfortable. A/C, TV, toilet. Heck yea!

Well, I´m off to hang out with the kiddos in the school. Then in about an hour I have to go to a funeral. I tried to get out of it... but you can´t really get out of things here that easily. If people invite me to something and I have nothing else to do, I´m there. Through the good and the bad and the ugly.

Paz y Amor yall!

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