Friday, December 3, 2010

Microwaves Microphones and Magnificence

Was sitting in the casa yesterday and this random guy walks up to the house with this brand new MICROWAVE oven!!! Hell yess! I am very excited about this. Flor, Marinita's daughter sent it to them for Christmas via one of those guys that transports stuff for cheap between the states and here. She doesn't even want it. She says she will never use it. Says that eating microwaved food gives you cancer. So it's mine. Muchas Gracias Florcita!! Merry Christmas eh?

We had our last Asamblea General of the year yesterday. Don Chepito had me go around with him in his pick up and a huge loud megaphone with a microphone hooked up to... I was the one announcing the meeting and inviting people. I was a little nervous to have my voice on the loud speakers like that at first. But it was fun... I love microphones. And I asked Chepito... "How's my accent? Do I sound like a gringa?" And he replied, "No now you are already starting to sound like one of us!" And he meant it. So that's cool. Except for that when I moved to this campo town, I couldn't understand a lot of what people were saying to me. So I hope that when I leave people from other places will be able to understand my Spanish ok. But it's a cool feeling.

The meeting was long and kinda boring. At the end though we announced the winner of the baby bull. We had cut up all the pieces of paper with everyone's name on them and put them in a pot to pull out the name of the winner. There were hundreds of names in there. So you would think you would just shake the pot and have someone pull out the one piece of paper with a name on it and that would be the winner of the cow right? Well that's not how they did it. They made it as complicated, anticlimactic and drawn out as possible. Instead they had 5 people, and each person pulled out a paper one by one and read the name of the person who didn't win out loud. So we had to listen to hundreds of names be called before we got down to the very last folded up piece of paper that was the winner. I didn't get it. I guess the only good reason for doing that would be because people could hear their name and know there paper was in there for sure and the whole thing was rigged. But this also backfired a little because some people complained that they bought 5 tickets and only heard their names once. Oops.

So I was sitting at a Subway today eating my Italianisimo sub sandwich and looking around at where I was... and I just felt happy. It's the best feeling in the world to feel like I am exactly where I want to be. There's no where else in the world that I would rather be than right here in this little gem of a beautiful country. I can't remember ever feeling so content, at ease, and whole as I have since I have settled in here. Thank god I made the decision to take that leap to get myself here. It was effin scary making that decision... and now that I'm on the other side of all the fear- I can tell I am stronger. Wonderful.

I have several projects moving forward in my community now. My relationships with my American and Salvo friends only get stronger. I don't think I have ever been so close with non-American people in my whole life. For lack of better words- it's so cool!

I feel like the luckiest person alive.

Living proof. Follow your dreams! no matter how scary it is... Change is scary. But necessary and good... Be free.

LOVE! Paz y amor!

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