Thursday, February 24, 2011

America the Beautiful

"Vive en Los Estados Unidos o esta visitando?" asked the flight attendant.

Me: I look at her with big eyes and confusion, tilting my head. So she asks me in English

"Do you live in the United States or are you just visiting?"

Me: Still looking at her with the same face and confusion. I don't know why it was so hard for me to answer that question! I mean, I am only visiting the United States for a few weeks and then I'm going back to El Salvador.

"MA'AM!!! It's a simple question! YES or NO?" the flight attendant said rudely. And what you asked me cranky flight attendant lady was NOT a yes or no question.

I had chatted with the woman next to me briefly before the grinch came over with the customs papers... And she intervened and told the flight attendant that I indeed am a U.S. resident.

"YES!" barked the grinch, and threw the paper in my lap.

I just thought it was pretty hilarious that I couldn't answer the question myself. An example of how trippy it is to make a visit home while in the Peace Corps. But that was one of the grumpiest flight attendants I have ever encountered. I mean, your job really isn't that bad, is it lady? All you have to do is pour drinks in clear plastic cups and pass out snacks. She later zoomed down the aisle with her drink cart and rammed it right into my funny bone because my elbow was sticking out in the aisle a bit. Jeez lady.

We landed on the ground, they said on the speakers "Welcome to Houston..."
"WOOHOO!!!" I shouted.

Walking around the airport. Am I really in the OOSA? I get to customs. "Welcome to the United States of America" repeated a recording over the loud speakers. I AM in the OOSA! I thought, beaming.

I made it out to the area where people wait to pick up travelers. I had a guy waiting there for me with my name printed on a piece of paper he held. I bought a Starbucks- Double Tall Skinny Vanilla Latte. He took me out to the Lincoln Town Car.... I was taken to my brothers hotel... sitting in this smooth ride with luxurious leather seats with a bottle of Diet Coke and Fiji Water sitting in cupholders in the armrest. Where am I? I certainly rolled in to the city in style. A huge contrast with the rattly old taxis I've been toted around in in San Salvador.

And I made it to my brother's hotel where he is the general manager... where he gifted me a real copy of the United States of America's Declaration of Independence. How random... LoL turns out it was just something he found was laying around in his desk. But I happily accepted it.... and all things American.

Unforunately, I have a cold, I've been sneezing and feeling yucky since yesterday morning :( Hopefully it doesn't last long. I plan to enjoy my time here to the fullest.

America. It's a great country!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

The time has come!!!

Oh yes, the time has come, my friends.

Tomorrow at this time I will be on an airplane on its way to my beloved Texas. Excited. Happy to be on vacation. And for some reason, I am feeling a little bit nervous. I am realizing today, how I have gotten so used to living in El Salvador. Over 7 months I have been here... and that is the longest I have ever spent outside of my country, away from my family and friends. So it is occuring to me now, that fact. It is a good nervous. And maybe it's just excitement. I just don't know what it's going to feel like. And well... I guess tomorrow I will find out. I can't imagine it being anything but nice. Yesterday I was telling my friend Hollie that I think a lot of PCVs get over dramatic about going back to the states... they all say that their trips home fuck with their heads. I was saying it doesn't have to be that big of a deal. That I know my home and how it is, and I know El Salvador... why should going there and back be such a big deal? Maybe I was wrong for saying that.... because today I feel strange about it. I do. We'll see if I'm really sticking my foot in my mouth when I get back after it all.

Before leaving my site I was making my rounds to the houses, doing my despedidas, saying my goodbyes. Every house I went to, the people said one of two things- Lleveme en su maleta! Take me with you in your suitcase! or Me trae un recuerdo! Bring me a present! The suit case one ok that's fine, we could laugh about that one... but i'm sorry- I'm not going to spend my time and money on bringing all of San Jacinto gifts from the oosa! Oosa... that's USA. Besides, what does that make me look like? Santa Claus? If I come back and give everyone presents. I am not even bringing my family and friends back home in Houston gifts from El Salvador. No body needs anything. And with my meager Peace Corps allowance- I can't be loading up on gifts for people all the time. Sorry. My friends and loved ones know I love them anyway... I don't have to buy them crap they don't need to show it.

I spent this last weekend before my vacation in my site... reluctantly, because there were all kinds of events, parties and trips I could have participated in with gringos. But I stayed... I figured I have the rest of my life to hang out with gringos. It was good that I spent the extra time with my community and salvos before leaving. Saturday I went to a wedding of a friend of mine from my training community. Last week her boyfriend showed up from Canada, where he has been living and working for a couple years now. He asked her hand in marriage and they planned a last minute wedding. So there I was. It was my first real Salvadoran wedding. And I was not impressed with this one. I mean, it was planned just a week before... so naturally they didn't have time to plan anything extravagant... especially as poor as they are. But there was no dancing. No drinking. Just sitting at picnic tables and eating. And the ceremony itself was surprising to me... even the bride and groom and entire wedding party were sitting at a table while they were wed. They stood up to put rings on and kiss at least. Anyway, I'm glad I was there for my friend Conny. She's a pretty girl, and really special... she's smart and educated and could really go places. Her husband is going back to Canada in a few weeks. Hopefully she can go join him up there when she gets her visa stuff all worked out.

Then Sunday, I went on an excursion with my youth group, paid for by the money we raised from selling pupusas. It was allright... They were really excited about it and had fun. That's what matters. We went to some pools near San Vicente, that I have been hearing about ever since I got here. Well? They were kinda gross. I was reluctant to get in... Just looking at them I knew how dirty the water was. I imagined myself getting some kind of skin disease or something after getting in. But I had to swim. I was there with the group... and they would have said that I didnt want to hang out with them or I didn't like them or something. So, I decided to suck it up and get in and have a good time with the jovenes. I swear I could smell the urine in the water. I was never so happy to bucket bath in my life when I got home that night.
There certainly was drama throughout the day of the excursion though. First, there was 18 year old Mela. I had been previously told she has a reputation for liking the boys and having a lot of them. Known as a slut, basically. Well I saw that it was true that day. We were hanging out by the most pishy of pools sitting on the side of it when she started freaking out because there were some boys there that know her boyfriend and she didn't tell her boyfriend she was there that day and he would get really jealous if he found out... I didn't really get it... but it turns out one of those boys there was her boyfriend from San Vicente. She has boyfriends all over apparently. Hmmm... I don't know what to think about that. In a way, I'm proud of her... turning the tables... the salvadoran men are all players and have many women and no one says anything... and maybe it's not really like people say it is. Maybe she just has a lot of guys that are friends. People in the campo talk to much and think bad of everyone. Chambre we call it. Gossip. And it ain't nobody's friend.

But for more drama that day I found out that one of my 14 year old girls in the group, Ivania, who just graduated from cosmetology school was on her way to drink a beer with 19 year old Cesar at the pool. And I was like Helllllllll No! As chaperone of the group I felt obligated to do something about this. I was even more upset when I found out that she is a few months pregnant. Oy. So sad. And what also bothered me was that the other adults on the excursion with me did not feel inclined to do anything about the fact that a 14 year old was drinking. That is not legal in this country... but they will still sell it to the minor, and no one will say anything. It's strange to me how many adults are not authoratative with the youth. No wonder these kids are so at-risk... Why are adults not taking more responsibility for their children? and even other people's children? I saw this girl drinking and I went after her to tell her it was unacceptable and could not happen... The other adults told me not to. That I couldn't do anything about it and she was just going to do it anyway... Ummmm hello? this is the problem.

Yes, I am ready for my vacation :) I have been sweating constantly for the last months... it's been so hot that I haven't been able to fall asleep at night. And I developed this really strange rash all over my hands, and after showing it to my peace corps doctor I'm still not really sure about what it is. Luckily I got some $20 bottle of magic cream that is making it go away. But I lived with what looked like chicken pox all over my hands for a week before I could get to the doctor. I hope it doesn't come back when i get back to my site after vacation.

Oh yes. I am going to enjoy this time. It will be a lovely two weeks stomping around my old grounds! I hope to get the gym a lot.... oh how I miss my aerobics and spin classes! Hopefully I can get a lot of workouts in because I sure and going to be eating a lot! hehe... Can't wait to see everyone! Lots of love!

Paz y amor.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Random thoughts of a gringa in The Savior...

You know what my village needs? An air conditioned gimnasio. I miss treadmills.

Chicken- why are you making those ridiculous noises? What makes a rooster feel like it needs to crow? All night long. Please. Be quiet.

Chucho! Afuera!

F. It's hot!

Achoo... so much dust.

I would rather pee in a tiny bucket in my house than use the latrine.

Why are the ducks swimming in my bath water?

Is anyone going to feed the dog today?

Another snake... Another spider... Oh now they are crawling on me... that's nice.

Did I tuck my mosquito net in all the way?

Oh I got a text message! Who could it be?... Tigo :( Mensajea ILIMITADO a tu # Tigo Favorito $0.25 al dia... Aw I thought maybe it'd be somebody who loves me....

I just stepped in chicken poo.... in my house.

Is it pupusa day yet?

Oh Peace Corps, what would you be without Facebook?

That cow looks angry, is it going to attack me? I heard a lady in the town over died a few year back... a cow charged her and stuck its horn through her chest. Cows, you are not my friends anymore, sorry. I just want to eat you.

If another man calls me mamacita, or baby, or bootyful, or says he wants to marry me... I'm gonna... I'm gonna... Probably not be able to do anything about it.

Is 8 pm too early to go to bed?

Sleeping in means waking up at 7... If it's 8am and I am still in bed, they figure I am sick.

I have been sitting on the bus 15 minutes and managed to get half of my grocery shopping done- tomatoes, green peppers, strawberries, apples, bananas... and i only spent $1.50! But I still miss having a car.

I'll get there when I get there.

I can do this...

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Gettin by with a little help from my friends

Not feeling too bloggy lately. I was thinking about it today, wondering why. Perhaps I am just more focused on living my life here now. And I suppose there's not as much that seems new and strange as there was in the beginning. I've been here almost seven months!? That's well on it's way to a year! LoL, well just one month over the hump really. But still.

And so, where am I at now? how are things coming along? Well... I'm having a great week this week, but the last couple of weeks were, emotionally, the toughest ones I think I have been through since coming here. Honestly, I went a bit crazy. Gave myself too much time to think that's for sure. But I'm better now :) gracias a Dios, and starting to see many possibilities for work and projects to get busy on when I get back from Texas.

I plan to help the school with a Pensando en verde project and will be working with the kids teaching them how to make organic compost and tending to gardens. Not that I know how to do any of that... but PC has lots of resources and there are plenty of volunteers that have experience with growing stuff that I can consult. It will be fun for me especially to learn something new and about how to do this!

After talking with my towns Comite de Salud about fundraising for their health projects they liked my idea of making and selling shampoo. Luckily I learned how to do this during my training, and the women are really excited about learning how to make it! We plan to use the money to help pay for the trash pick up after we do a community clean up.

What else? Yes! There's more!

I'm on this Comite Interinstitucional and after going to last weeks meeting I finally figured out what the heck the purpose of this committee is, which is actually really cool. Apparently it's all about the leaders of the community from the school, the police, the ADESCO, and an NGO coming together to plan educational charlas for youth on things like career prep, family planning, gang violence, drugs, etc. I'm all for giving a charla... So i'm meeting with them on Friday!

Planning to do various fundraisers to help the school purchase a refrigerator. They really need one with all the food they prepare for the kids everyday, the tienda that sells food and beverage, and the teachers that need to guardar their comida while they are at work.

It's amazing how a few weeks ago, I felt like there was NOTHING for me to do here... and now- all this stuff! And I'm supposed to be helping get the clinic repaired and form a Comite de Jovenes when I get back as well... Ay. It will be nice to be so busy... Although I realize... I am just one person and I can't do it all at once. Poco a poco. But hey, here's to being excited about work again.

I have been enjoying being here in the campo more lately. Aside from getting charged and nearly attacked by cow the other day, the mouse I saw on my porch that was quickly pecked at and eaten by a chicken, the huge snake I almost stepped on on my way to my house tonight, being hot and covered in dirt all the time, and the fact that things never run on time here and nothing hardly ever goes as planned- I can appreciate this place for what it is more now... And my neighbors, I feel like they are starting to get to know me more- like they aren't seeing me so much as the gringa foreigner, but just Amy. It's good, they're getting used to me I can tell... and I'm getting more used to being here.

I imagine it seems crazy, all the ups and downs and rollercoaster of emotions I go through. But asi es en Cuerpo de Paz- that's how it is, for many of us at least. Well, and I admit, I have always been an emotional person. And being here living this life, it's intense. Good to be on the other side of the low... I'm on the up... And things are looking good again.

It also helps that I have great people in my life that were there for me when the going got tough for me over the last weeks. I am so lucky to have such good friends, parents, and a wonderful boyfriend who give me their ears and are there for me. I don't know how I could do this without the support of you all. Ok.... Sappy? :) Maybe. But really- I owe many thanks. Love.

Off to bed!

Paz y amor.
p.s. 2 weeks from today at this time... i'll be in... TEXAS!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Hot Hot Heat & Cows are my new Dogs

Been feeling a little under the weather the last few days. Just drained. Maybe it's the that the heat is getting to me... I forced myself out of the house yesterday and after walking up the hill to the school I thought I would pass out. I have been sleeping 10 hours a night and still feel like I need a nap in the afternoon. Not really feeling much better today, but I have to go teach English at the school this afternoon. I can do it.

Then I have a meeting with my youth group kids to talk about when we can go on this excursion. I wanted to take them to the movies, but turns out they're too scared to go to San Salvador, or they think it will be boring. I'm like, "but it's something you've never done before... why not try it?" They don't want to. They want to go to the swimming pools here in San Vicente. Ok then, fine with me. It's cheaper and closer. But I'm a little disappointed in their unwillingness to try new things. I'm trying to figure out a way to go before I go to Texas. I only have a limited number of weekends, and this one was the only one that would really work for me... I don't want them to have to wait until I get back in March.

I feel like there is so much going on all of a sudden. But I know there's not really much. Just lots of meetings. My town has a meeting tomorrow because we are going to have some doctors assigned to work here on a regular basis. How about that! The only thing is, they don't have any place to work. So that's what we're having the meeting about. Then I have another meeting with this town committee I somehow ended up on- I'm still trying to figure out what the point is of this "Interinstitutional Committee" I don't think there is one. But I'm on it! Hopefully I will figure out what the deal is at the meeting on Monday.

The 2nd grade teacher at my school is ALWAYS asking me when I can come spend the night at her house. I can't say I have ever been too thrilled about the idea... but then last week I figured, why not? It's not like I do much at night in my house in the campo. She's a sweet lady and lives in one of my favorite pueblos. So I told her I would come this week... and now this week I'm just feeling so exhausted, and like all I want to do is rest. So, I think it will have to be next week maybe, Maybel.

I don't know if I ever mentioned the story about the time I visited her house. I think I may have, but it's worth mentioning again. It was right after she had her baby, and she was talking a lot about how sore her breasts were from all the milk. Now, I don't get too weird about talking about this kind of stuff because of the house I grew up in with mom delivering babies and her La Leche league. So it's not a big deal. But it got a little weird when she took her shirt and bra off and was sitting there topless holding napkins under her breasts telling me to look how full they were, with the milk dripping onto the napkin. Do you think that's a little weird? I did. I swear she wanted me to milk them for her. If that's even possible. I mean, she's not a cow. But I'm not into that. Anyway, other than that awkward moment, she's a very nice woman and seems pretty cool. So I'll give it another shot and hang out with her again. But if she starts taking her clothes off again this time... that will be the end of the overnights with her.

I'm loving my cows lately, their patties aside. They are like my dog replacements. I think they're sweet. I feed them my vegetables that go back... and they are quick to come when they see me throw the food on the ground. Last night I was eating cantalaupe for dessert and fed my favorita mama cow the peels by hand. Her name is Serena. We're tight.

Ok, i'm going to get myself out of the house and to the school and prep for my class today. Hope I can handle the walk over there. Ay Dios Mio, this heat! I can't believe yall are only a 3 hour flight away in houston and you are all freezing with snow in your forecast. How is that?

Countdown to Texas: 21 days!