Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Random thoughts of a gringa in The Savior...

You know what my village needs? An air conditioned gimnasio. I miss treadmills.

Chicken- why are you making those ridiculous noises? What makes a rooster feel like it needs to crow? All night long. Please. Be quiet.

Chucho! Afuera!

F. It's hot!

Achoo... so much dust.

I would rather pee in a tiny bucket in my house than use the latrine.

Why are the ducks swimming in my bath water?

Is anyone going to feed the dog today?

Another snake... Another spider... Oh now they are crawling on me... that's nice.

Did I tuck my mosquito net in all the way?

Oh I got a text message! Who could it be?... Tigo :( Mensajea ILIMITADO a tu # Tigo Favorito $0.25 al dia... Aw I thought maybe it'd be somebody who loves me....

I just stepped in chicken poo.... in my house.

Is it pupusa day yet?

Oh Peace Corps, what would you be without Facebook?

That cow looks angry, is it going to attack me? I heard a lady in the town over died a few year back... a cow charged her and stuck its horn through her chest. Cows, you are not my friends anymore, sorry. I just want to eat you.

If another man calls me mamacita, or baby, or bootyful, or says he wants to marry me... I'm gonna... I'm gonna... Probably not be able to do anything about it.

Is 8 pm too early to go to bed?

Sleeping in means waking up at 7... If it's 8am and I am still in bed, they figure I am sick.

I have been sitting on the bus 15 minutes and managed to get half of my grocery shopping done- tomatoes, green peppers, strawberries, apples, bananas... and i only spent $1.50! But I still miss having a car.

I'll get there when I get there.

I can do this...


  1. Yes! You can do this!

  2. Thank you for sharing this, really... chicken poop in your house... sorry for your misfortune, but i laughed out loud!
