Tuesday, June 29, 2010

It's so hard to do, and so easy to say...

For so long I have been talking about joining the Peace Corps. When I talked about it, it was so easy to say with confidence, "I want to go join the Peace Corps!" The closer my departure date gets, and the more steps I take to prepare myself- I am realizing how easy it was to talk the talk. Now that I'm starting to walk the walk- it's freaking me out a little. The feelings of "holy cow, i'm really doing this" started to set in after my garage sale on Saturday, in which I rid myself of all the junk I dont need to hold on to. I made about $160- which isn't much, but it's all stuff I was going to get rid of anyway- and it was like people were paying me to take my crap off my hands for me.

Here's Mom and I working the garage sale. She put the stupid hat on my head. Normally I would object to wearing something that looks that goofy, but it was SO sunny and hot, I didn't mind!

I was hesitant to talk about my fears here, because I'm not sure I want my blog to be a place with negative thoughts.... But then I decided, this is just part of what people go through when a life-changing decision is made. I'm just keeping it real. And I think everyone could understand why taking this leap is a challenge. The hardest part for me is saying goodbye to my loved ones... Especially my boyfriend of 3 years, Billy. We've seen this coming for a long time... the first time I met him I told him I wanted to join the Peace Corps. He has always been really supportive and encouraging of me following my dreams. He is the best friend anyone could have and I'm really really realllllly going to miss him... we've had a great 3 years together. 2 years is a long time to be away from each other, and we know that it will be hard to keep our relationship going over such a long distance for several years. We plan to keep in touch as much as possible, but we will be focusing on doing our own things...and just say whatever will be, will be. Here is my favorite photo of us from when we were traveling Greece together:

There's no doubt that I'm going and that I'm still really excited about starting my new adventure. And there are so many reasons why I know this is the right thing for me to do. That does not make it easy. But you know what- Anything I've ever done in my life that was ultimately worthwhile, initially scared me to death.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

My First Pupusa

In the spirit of going to El Salvador next month I decided I would try some pupusas before I go. The pupusa is the national food of El Salvador I am told, and I've never tried them before. We have pupuserias all over our neighborhood here in Houston too. So I googled pupusas Houston and found who has the best and headed off to "El Cuscatleco" just about a mile from my house.

I walked in with a big grin on my face, very excited about the new experience I was about to have... I told the woman behind the counter to give me the works... The "must-haves" of pupusa world. While I waited for my freshly made pupusas, I decided to strike up a conversation with Raquel, that was the pupusa lady's name, to see what she could share with me about El Salvador. She was a beautiful and friendly young lady.... clearly full of Salvadorian pride sporting her blue and white El Salvador jersey. I went to check out the country map on the wall. She is actually from a small down that's right outside of San Vicente, where I will be for training. While we were looking at the map she went "AY!" and turned toward the tv they had on where she noticed El Salvador was being mentioned... The news was talking about the stabbing of a bus driver, and they showed them carrying his body off the bus. Greeeeeat. But the news only shows bad stuff. You turn on the Houston news and they give the "shot-stabbed-and killed" report...

Anyway- she advised me about how careful you need to be on the buses... and she said to try not letting anyone see me dealing with money from my purse... The Peace Corps will go over all that stuff with me. Sooo my pupusas were ready and she hooked me up with all my pickled cabbage, i think she called it curtido, and sauce. And I took it "para llevar" to eat it at home. Raquel said to come back and see her anytime to talk about my trip. The nicest Salvadorian lady I've ever met... and I'm sure I will meet many more...

So I came home and the feasting began... The pupusas weren't like I thought they'd be. I thought it was just a like a thick corn tortilla and that they would put the beans and cheese and all on top of it- like a taco. BUT somehow they get it all INSIDE of the tortilla... it kind of reminded me of stuffed crust pizza. So I had a beans and cheese and chicharron inside these tasty pupusa pocket things.... and on top i put the sauce and the curtido cabbage stuff and ate it like a taco. And first bite i said "wooooow" it was DeLiCiOuS.... I said, Alllllrighhhhhht I can live with this. And I tried each of the 3 kinds- and now I am stuffed... and my tummy is feeling a bit funny. Those things were pretty greasy. You'd think that I'd lose weight going into the Peace Corps... but if i'm eating these babies all the time.... there's no way that will happen. Hopefully I will find a way to enjoy the pupusa-eating life while still having variety in my diet. Check it out-

Tomorrow will be day 1 of a full week of substitute teaching for summer school. I wanted to pick it up to make some extra money, but now that it's here and I have to wake up at 6 o' clock in the morning i'm like- mannnnnn, wish I didnt have to work. Oh well. It's only 4 days! And extra $ can't hurt right.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Getting ready

I woke up at 7:00 am this morning to go to the infamous REI garage sale that starts at 9. People start lining up for it way early though because everyone wants to be the in first to get the good buys. They have it in their warehouse in the back of the store, and they sell all of the used and returned good that had some minor defect so they cant get it back on the shelf. People are crazy about this REI garage sale because you can get something for 40 bucks that normally costs $150... stuff like that. When I showed up this morning at 7:30 I was shocked to see that some people had tents set up right outside the door.... they actually slept there last night so they could be the first ones in. Soooo I went because there are a lot of items I would like to have before I go to the Peace Corps- a good backpack, a sleepingbag, flashlights, etc. I was waiting for this garage sale to purchase these things hoping I'd find them at a bargain. I got my ass out of bed with only 5 hours of sleep and a mild hangover to go to this. And when I finally got in.... I saw nothing for me :( I did find a backpack- but after trying it on I realized it was meant for a man and it didnt fit me right. ended up buying all brand new stuff. I'd rather pay full price for something that fits me comfortably then save $100 on a bag that hurts my shoulders. So yea. Done deal.

I got a Gregory 60 liter backpack, love it! A headlamp, travel towels, a nalgene bottle, and a swiss army knife. :)

Then Dad went with me to help me pick out a suitcase. I think I got the best thing for El Salvador. It's a Samsonite hard case- big and black and looks like its kind of made of plastic- but it might be something else. I figure that with all the humidity and the possibility of fabrics mildewing down there.... a plastic one was the way to go! I am very happy with my purchase.

I'm starting to wonder how I am going to fit everything I want to bring in the suitcase and the gregory bag. I know I could easily overpack and bring WAY more than I need.... but i'm only allowed 80 lbs. The hardest decision for packing will be what shoes to bring. I want to bring all the ones I might want to wear.... especially because a woman's size 10 shoe is pretty much unheard of in El Salvador, I'm told. But I guess I can ask for them to be sent to me later.

I am very happy I am working next week to help make up for the expensive purchases I've made this week.... and also because I need something to keep my mind off of everything. I am going to be leaving exactly one month from today. Wow. Really? Wow.

And then once the journey finally begins I will have much more interesting material for these blogs!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Staging Ticket is Booooooooked! YES!

Got my staging email today! I have to fly to Los Angeles for my Peace Corps registration and orientation. I think it's funny because being in Houston it's kind of a back track to go to LA. Oh well! So I have to fly United... crossing my fingers for a good experience with them.... last I had a ticket with them it was a nightmare! So here's the plan- July 19th: get up at the butt crack of dawn to catch my flight from Houston to LA with a connection in Denver. I'll get to LA at about 1:21 PM.... and I dont have to be at the hotel for registration until 6. I wonder if we will get to see LA at all. I've never been there!

The next day, the 20th, is when we will have orientation meetings about what Peace Corps expects from us and what he expect from the Peace Corps. That will last allllll day and then at 11:40 PM it will happen.....


I am incredibly excited!

SO much to do before I go! I picked up a week of teaching summer school next week though. It couldn't hurt to make some extra dough since I won't be making hardly any money for the next couple years. I figure it will be good to get my mind off of peace corps some for a week... Sitting around and thinking about all I have to do and everything that is about to change could really start driving me crazy.

Today I started trying to get some things done. Cleaning out my closet and room to get rid of all the stuff I dont need anymore. I'm going to have a garage sale this weekend. It's nice to clean out and get rid of all the useless items that just sits around and collects dust. I'm really not going to have hardly anything left when I leave. Maybe a couple of boxes full of stuff. It's much nicer to be that kind of person. To not be a hoarder or a pack rat kind of person that holds on to everything... that makes moving tough. And you really don't even need all of that "stuff"..... its just stuff.

Ok i'm going to get back to the cleaning....

Thursday, June 10, 2010

My Invitation Kit!

So today the invitation kit came in the mail! Normally Peace Corps makes you wait for it to arrive in the mail to figure out where you are going to go. But because I thought I was going to be leaving the country this week, they sent me mine by email. I wonder what it might have been like to have to wait all week until it came to find out where I was going. Although I was PRETTY sure it was El Salvador before I ever got any invite, because of what I saw on the Peace Corps Wiki Timeline.

Nonetheless, I was thrilled when I found my invitation at my doorstep today when I came home! To have it in my hands. It feels more real. After going through the many many papers inside of the package, I was really glad I stayed here instead of going to Chile- I don't know how I would have done all this on time if I wasn't here.

So much to do, and with 5 weeks to go until my departure!

Now that I know that I am leaving to live in a rural town in El Salvador for 2 years... I am making sure I enjoy every moment of my time here at home in Houston. Tomorrow I'm going to go to my favorite sandwich place, Which Wich, and grab lunch for my dad and I! Oooooh how i love a good sandwich place! It will also be nice to have lunch with my pops... that almost never happens. So yea, I'm enjoying my food, time with the fam, and trying to figure out how I'm going to get started on the overwhelming packing list.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

I'm Going to El Salvador!

After months of waiting- I receive a phone call on Sunday from the Peace Corps. Back in January I was nominated to go to Central or South America as a Teacher Trainer in August. I got a call on Sunday from the placement office asking me if I would be interested in leaving sooner than August, and if I would be interested in working in Youth Development instead. I said ABSOLUTELY! The Youth Development job sounds perfect for me- working with kids and teachers in a school. I am not 100% sure what the full details of my job description are- I know I will be working with kids to help them know how to access resources to help them with their education and careers, and I will be helping and working with the teachers- maybe teaching them english along with planning for the school. I am thrilled that I will be working in a school. After working the last two years in Houston middle schools, I am comfortable working in schools and I think I would miss not being in schools.

I received this phone call while I was on my way to a blessingway for my mom's pregnant friend, Alli, where I was going to be doing henna on her prego belly. I sat in the driveway on the phone with PC.... and as soon as I got off the phone I went inside. I could feel my blood pumping. I was smiling. My eyes were wide. And it was the first time I was meeting almost all of the people there.... and they were probably wondering what was wrong with me! My mom was busy trying to get things ready for the blessing ceremony and I say "mom, can I talk to you for a sec?" and she's all busy and she's like hold on a minute i'm busy.... and i'm tugging on her hand because I wanted to take her to the other room to tell her because it was supposed to be Alli's day. I didnt want to make a big scene or take away from her... but mom says "what is it?" and I tell her everything about the phone call and she immediately starts crying. She was so happy for me and before we started the ceremony i called my dad to tell him... I put off telling Billy, my boyfriend, because I knew it would be hard. When I called him after the ceremony, I told him, he sounded sad but still said he was happy for me, and when we hung up the phone I was crying. It's going to be hard because we have been together a long time... and me leaving for the Peace Corps means our split. But he is amazing, he has always been very supportive of me going after my dreams and doing what I want to do. The ceremony was nice and my henna job on the the baby bump turned out pretty good.

I was planning to go to meet my friend Sarah down in Chile this week and we were going to make a short trip up to Peru together. Now that I discovered I was going to the Peace Corps sooner, I decided to cancel the trip. There's simply too many things I need to do in Houston, and to take care of before I run off to the PC for 2 years. I didnt want to risk my ability to take care of something for the PC and screw up my going...Plus, I will have plenty of time to experience Latin American culture during my service... and I want to be home now, able to spend time with friends and family, and eat my favorite foods :) Luckily, Sarah was very understanding and she is still going to go to Peru and experience Machu Picchu without me!

On the phone, the Placement Officer told me I would be leaving the 3rd week of July... So I went home and looked at the PeaceCorps Wiki Timeline and discovered I was going to El Salvador! I was not expecting that! I was really really happy and pleased with it. And then I went on to read about it- and reading about all the crime there reallllllly freaked me out. But I was able to get in touch with lots of people who assured me that it is fine. The Peace COrps only places their volunteers in safe places and they take really good care of them, and they make sure all volunteers have the knowledge and tools to keep safe. So I am confident that I will be able to go to El Salvador and be safe. I'm still nervous.... But I'm going! I already resigned from my job as an English teacher at KMS and everything! Its for real. WOW!

Packing for 2 years feels intimidating. There are many items I want to bring that I do not yet own.... and at the same time.... I dont want to bring too much! or more than I have to really. I feel like I have plenty of time... but I'm sure July 20th will creep up on me fast and before I know it I will be heading off for the biggest adventure of my life! I can't wait!