Thursday, June 17, 2010

Staging Ticket is Booooooooked! YES!

Got my staging email today! I have to fly to Los Angeles for my Peace Corps registration and orientation. I think it's funny because being in Houston it's kind of a back track to go to LA. Oh well! So I have to fly United... crossing my fingers for a good experience with them.... last I had a ticket with them it was a nightmare! So here's the plan- July 19th: get up at the butt crack of dawn to catch my flight from Houston to LA with a connection in Denver. I'll get to LA at about 1:21 PM.... and I dont have to be at the hotel for registration until 6. I wonder if we will get to see LA at all. I've never been there!

The next day, the 20th, is when we will have orientation meetings about what Peace Corps expects from us and what he expect from the Peace Corps. That will last allllll day and then at 11:40 PM it will happen.....


I am incredibly excited!

SO much to do before I go! I picked up a week of teaching summer school next week though. It couldn't hurt to make some extra dough since I won't be making hardly any money for the next couple years. I figure it will be good to get my mind off of peace corps some for a week... Sitting around and thinking about all I have to do and everything that is about to change could really start driving me crazy.

Today I started trying to get some things done. Cleaning out my closet and room to get rid of all the stuff I dont need anymore. I'm going to have a garage sale this weekend. It's nice to clean out and get rid of all the useless items that just sits around and collects dust. I'm really not going to have hardly anything left when I leave. Maybe a couple of boxes full of stuff. It's much nicer to be that kind of person. To not be a hoarder or a pack rat kind of person that holds on to everything... that makes moving tough. And you really don't even need all of that "stuff"..... its just stuff.

Ok i'm going to get back to the cleaning....

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