Sunday, June 20, 2010

My First Pupusa

In the spirit of going to El Salvador next month I decided I would try some pupusas before I go. The pupusa is the national food of El Salvador I am told, and I've never tried them before. We have pupuserias all over our neighborhood here in Houston too. So I googled pupusas Houston and found who has the best and headed off to "El Cuscatleco" just about a mile from my house.

I walked in with a big grin on my face, very excited about the new experience I was about to have... I told the woman behind the counter to give me the works... The "must-haves" of pupusa world. While I waited for my freshly made pupusas, I decided to strike up a conversation with Raquel, that was the pupusa lady's name, to see what she could share with me about El Salvador. She was a beautiful and friendly young lady.... clearly full of Salvadorian pride sporting her blue and white El Salvador jersey. I went to check out the country map on the wall. She is actually from a small down that's right outside of San Vicente, where I will be for training. While we were looking at the map she went "AY!" and turned toward the tv they had on where she noticed El Salvador was being mentioned... The news was talking about the stabbing of a bus driver, and they showed them carrying his body off the bus. Greeeeeat. But the news only shows bad stuff. You turn on the Houston news and they give the "shot-stabbed-and killed" report...

Anyway- she advised me about how careful you need to be on the buses... and she said to try not letting anyone see me dealing with money from my purse... The Peace Corps will go over all that stuff with me. Sooo my pupusas were ready and she hooked me up with all my pickled cabbage, i think she called it curtido, and sauce. And I took it "para llevar" to eat it at home. Raquel said to come back and see her anytime to talk about my trip. The nicest Salvadorian lady I've ever met... and I'm sure I will meet many more...

So I came home and the feasting began... The pupusas weren't like I thought they'd be. I thought it was just a like a thick corn tortilla and that they would put the beans and cheese and all on top of it- like a taco. BUT somehow they get it all INSIDE of the tortilla... it kind of reminded me of stuffed crust pizza. So I had a beans and cheese and chicharron inside these tasty pupusa pocket things.... and on top i put the sauce and the curtido cabbage stuff and ate it like a taco. And first bite i said "wooooow" it was DeLiCiOuS.... I said, Alllllrighhhhhht I can live with this. And I tried each of the 3 kinds- and now I am stuffed... and my tummy is feeling a bit funny. Those things were pretty greasy. You'd think that I'd lose weight going into the Peace Corps... but if i'm eating these babies all the time.... there's no way that will happen. Hopefully I will find a way to enjoy the pupusa-eating life while still having variety in my diet. Check it out-

Tomorrow will be day 1 of a full week of substitute teaching for summer school. I wanted to pick it up to make some extra money, but now that it's here and I have to wake up at 6 o' clock in the morning i'm like- mannnnnn, wish I didnt have to work. Oh well. It's only 4 days! And extra $ can't hurt right.

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