Wednesday, June 9, 2010

I'm Going to El Salvador!

After months of waiting- I receive a phone call on Sunday from the Peace Corps. Back in January I was nominated to go to Central or South America as a Teacher Trainer in August. I got a call on Sunday from the placement office asking me if I would be interested in leaving sooner than August, and if I would be interested in working in Youth Development instead. I said ABSOLUTELY! The Youth Development job sounds perfect for me- working with kids and teachers in a school. I am not 100% sure what the full details of my job description are- I know I will be working with kids to help them know how to access resources to help them with their education and careers, and I will be helping and working with the teachers- maybe teaching them english along with planning for the school. I am thrilled that I will be working in a school. After working the last two years in Houston middle schools, I am comfortable working in schools and I think I would miss not being in schools.

I received this phone call while I was on my way to a blessingway for my mom's pregnant friend, Alli, where I was going to be doing henna on her prego belly. I sat in the driveway on the phone with PC.... and as soon as I got off the phone I went inside. I could feel my blood pumping. I was smiling. My eyes were wide. And it was the first time I was meeting almost all of the people there.... and they were probably wondering what was wrong with me! My mom was busy trying to get things ready for the blessing ceremony and I say "mom, can I talk to you for a sec?" and she's all busy and she's like hold on a minute i'm busy.... and i'm tugging on her hand because I wanted to take her to the other room to tell her because it was supposed to be Alli's day. I didnt want to make a big scene or take away from her... but mom says "what is it?" and I tell her everything about the phone call and she immediately starts crying. She was so happy for me and before we started the ceremony i called my dad to tell him... I put off telling Billy, my boyfriend, because I knew it would be hard. When I called him after the ceremony, I told him, he sounded sad but still said he was happy for me, and when we hung up the phone I was crying. It's going to be hard because we have been together a long time... and me leaving for the Peace Corps means our split. But he is amazing, he has always been very supportive of me going after my dreams and doing what I want to do. The ceremony was nice and my henna job on the the baby bump turned out pretty good.

I was planning to go to meet my friend Sarah down in Chile this week and we were going to make a short trip up to Peru together. Now that I discovered I was going to the Peace Corps sooner, I decided to cancel the trip. There's simply too many things I need to do in Houston, and to take care of before I run off to the PC for 2 years. I didnt want to risk my ability to take care of something for the PC and screw up my going...Plus, I will have plenty of time to experience Latin American culture during my service... and I want to be home now, able to spend time with friends and family, and eat my favorite foods :) Luckily, Sarah was very understanding and she is still going to go to Peru and experience Machu Picchu without me!

On the phone, the Placement Officer told me I would be leaving the 3rd week of July... So I went home and looked at the PeaceCorps Wiki Timeline and discovered I was going to El Salvador! I was not expecting that! I was really really happy and pleased with it. And then I went on to read about it- and reading about all the crime there reallllllly freaked me out. But I was able to get in touch with lots of people who assured me that it is fine. The Peace COrps only places their volunteers in safe places and they take really good care of them, and they make sure all volunteers have the knowledge and tools to keep safe. So I am confident that I will be able to go to El Salvador and be safe. I'm still nervous.... But I'm going! I already resigned from my job as an English teacher at KMS and everything! Its for real. WOW!

Packing for 2 years feels intimidating. There are many items I want to bring that I do not yet own.... and at the same time.... I dont want to bring too much! or more than I have to really. I feel like I have plenty of time... but I'm sure July 20th will creep up on me fast and before I know it I will be heading off for the biggest adventure of my life! I can't wait!

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