Friday, August 27, 2010

And So It Is

So my last post came from a place of negativity. I was really bummed about having to leave my Santa Clara family. Wednesday afternoon came and I packed my bags and waited for my bosses arrival so they could give my family the news. They came and Ceci handled the situation well. She cried a little when they told her. I love her. They gave her the news, left for a while so i could pack my stuff, then they came back 45 minutes later to haul me off to farmville. When they showed up and we had to say goodbye- oh my god.... i never would have thought there would be so much crying. I lived with them for one month, and this was the most emotional goodbye i could have dreamed of. I was ok until 2 year old Diego started crying... when he started crying we all started crying. My whole family and even my spanish teacher! And off we went. Ceci told me today that Diego is still going to the door of my room and knocking on it saying “umy! umy!” and that after we drove off yesterday Oscar and Diego went in my room and sat on my bed and were crying together. Oscar said he think that i left because he bothered me too much and I told my bosses. Not even close. I would’ve stayed if I could have.

Anyway, my new home is great too, of course. It’s just very different from pueblo life. We all go to bed at 8 pm everynight. There’s not much to do. Just sit around and talk and play with kids. There are so many kids in my family though, it’s great! I live with a married couple and there 2 kids, 9 and 12. then they have a million cousins that live on the same compound so there are always soccer games and such going on. I woke up at 5:30 this morning to milk the family’s cow. Cow teets have a very rare feeling about them. Can’t say that I enjoyed it. But i’m always up for trying something new! And later today I played with the family’s baby ducks. Pics on facebook if your interested. Animals rock.

I have to say, living out in the country I think is much nicer in some ways. I’m really enjoying the natural beauty of this place. Except for the huge spider i found in my bed this evening. But there’s so much greenery to see as I take long walks on roads made of stone and dirt. You say hi to everyone you walk by and get to know who they are. In Houston, I was always very interested in who strangers might be, and here I actually get to talk to them. It’s great! Except for the big groups of bolo (drunk) men that congregate on the sides of roads. They get no attention from me.

I visited the school today... It’s gorgeous. It was built on a hillside and the basketball court area has a huge open wall facing a gorgeous view of the mountains. Makes me go “wow.” So, yes... I like it here, even though I was really bummed about having to move. The only thing that still isn’t so great is that my group just can’t seem to fit into any sort of groove. We are all just very different people. And there are two people in the group that just can’t see eye to eye on anything. So, its tough... only 3 more weeks. OMG! pretty soon I will be finding out what place I will call my home. A week from thursday.

Tomorrow I turn 24. I am happy to start this next year of my life here. I will be celebrating on the beach with some wonderful friends.

I love peace corps.

I know I have only been here a month- but I already feel like joining PC was the best decision I ever made.

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