Sunday, August 15, 2010

What's the worst that could happen

I love walking to out of my house and seeing the neighbors pig and her baby pigs following her around in the street. And I love seeing the ducks on my doorstep, and hearing cows and roosters moo. I never knew it was so nice to live around farm animals. Seeing and hearing them makes me happy. My friend Jessica would beg to differ... she has a rooster outside her room that goes cock-a-doodle-doo at all hours and through the night. She regularly shares her ideas about how she might kill him inconspicuously with her family knowing she did it. Luckily, I dont have this problem.

I went to Catholic mass this morning with my host grandmother. It was a neat cultural experience. I didnt understand a whole lot of what the priest was talking about... but that’s ok. I definitely felt like everyone was staring at me. But that’s ok. It’s nothing new. They had a band that played some very contemporary music. I wanted to boogie on down there in the iglesia. But I was already getting enough weird stares.

I didnt get a chance to tell about my trip to the capital yet! Well, let me first say that riding on public buses was my biggest fear about coming to this country. Because i read all about stabbings, murders, and people being set on fire on public buses in the capital. So it freaked me out that I knew I would have to ride them. And the day came for me to face my fear. It wasn’t so bad. I’m glad I got it over with! The buses are all pretty fast paced, and it’s pretty entertaining to see the people who walk on trying to sell stuff. I saw people selling wallets, pens, and one guy was selling this “magical” cream that you could rub anywhere on your body and it would make pain go away. Haha. OK buddy.

So I was on edge the entire time I was on the bus. Keeping my eyes out for possible danger. We changed buses 3 or 4 times. On each one I was preparing myself for the worst.... On the 2nd bus there was a singing clown. He was the scariest looking clown ever! As he stood there singing, I started thinking that it actually would be a really good idea to disguise yourself as a clown if u are a robber or a killer. A good way to do what you want while concealing your identity. The whole time he was singing, in my head I was coming up with ways he could harm me. Maybe he would pull out a gun from his gigantic pants that were held up by suspenders. Maybe his music shaker was really a bomb. Well... he finished his song and then went around asking for money. Some gave him some change, some didnt. And that was it, he was done. I was alive in perfect condition and everyone safely arrived at the destination. It’s safe to say I’m pretty paranoid about the situation. This week I will have to travel to stay with a volunteer in their site for 3 nights. It could be anywhere in the country. I really hope I get something good. And then as far as my permanent site goes- I’m not very religious... but in church this morning... I prayed. That I get put in a site that has good people and where I will be happy. Right now, the not knowing where I’m going to be concerns me.

We went to a some very nice museums in the capital. I enjoyed most of them. But the last was so huge and we had a guide that had a voice that put me to sleep. After 30 minutes, I checked out and starting walking around listening to the FM radio on my cell phone the rest of the time. San Salvador has tons of great radio stations- many that even play a lot of pop music from the US.

When we went to the mall for lunch, I bought the USB that would allow me to have wireless internet at my house. Thank God for this internet! It is really helping me feel alot more comfortable here. To be able to stay in touch with everyone and share stories and pictures. A lot of people I know have criticized me for getting internet or even a cell phone. They say “That’s not Peace Corps!” And I’m like- “uhhhhh, sure it’s not Peace Corps 1960s... but it’s the Peace Corps today!” We have these tools available to us. Why not use them. It’s so much better for your sanity to remain connected to everyone and to be able to use it as a resource to help make your service projects better. They can kiss my technology loving ass. :) Ok well that was rude... To each his own, really. If they want to pretend they are in Peace Corps 1960s- go for it. Have fun!

I got to eat Quizno’s in the capital! It was delicious! They have everything there. Wendy’s. Pizza Hut. Sushi. Mc Donald’s. Wal Mart (except it’s not called walmart, it’s call Hiper Paiz).... you want it, you can find it there. But also- I really didnt like the capital. It’s big, dirty, fast-paced, and scary. I am only going to go there if I have to. And I know I will have to go there for doctors appointments.... but other than that. No thank you. There are some volunteers that love going there so much. One guy treats himself to a monthly vacation at the 5 star Sheraton Hotel for a weekend. LoL. That has to get expensive. But hey, you need to make sure you do things for yourself to keep you happy in service... if that’s what does it for him then kudos. I hope I can find more affordable ways to treat myself to an escape.

Lastly, we went to the U.S. Embassy Friday afternoon. It is a frikin’ palace! A piece of heaven. I walked in there and felt regal. It was so beautiful. Huge beautiful garden on the terrace where we were treated to refreshments. We sat and talked with the Charge D’ Affairs (I think that’s what he is called), who is doing all that an Ambassador would do because they are still waiting for the nominated ambassador to complete the hiring process. We all sat and met with him.... He welcomed us to El Salvador, and talked with us about the importance of our service and safety and what not. Then he opened up for questions. Everyone was so serious, and asking serious questions... I think everyone was trying to act as professional and proper as possible. And sure I felt that too... Then I all of a sudden found myself asking him the question “Sooooo- What exactly do you do here?” and then the whole room burst into laughter! And I was thinking “what’s wrong with that question? oh god, everyone in here knows this except for me and I just asked this very prestigious man the dumbest question ever, i’m supposed to know... i shoulda kept my mouth shut!” But he answered, and I felt like his response was a valuable one. Later, people made comments to me like “nice question Amy” - they told me it was the way i asked it... the delivery... and a few friends made me feel much better when they said that they were thinking the same thing- like “who is this guy?” but they were too afraid to ask. So yea! I’m not going to feel bad about it. I had a question- and I had the guts to throw it out there. Maybe I could have thought of a fancier way to say it, but oh well.

Afterwards we had snacks and more refreshments. There were awesome little sandwhiches and pastries. The plates were so cool. They had gold trim and had the US Seal on them... My friend gave me the idea of putting one in my purse to take with me. But I couldn’t do it. I just took some of the fancy paper napkins with the seal on them instead. :)

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