Tuesday, August 24, 2010


AHHHHHHH! Tomorrow I am moving to a new training town with the 3 other girls from my training community. We were supposed to be here for our entire training but the other girls have been having problems with their houses and have been very vocal about all of their dislikes about their living situations to our superiors. I am the only trainee in my town that is happy living with my family and I get taken care of very well. Unfortunately, the amount and nature of complaints the other girls have voices have given our bosses no choice but to move us all to an entirely new community. THIS SUCKS!

When they brought us in for the meeting today I was in tears when they told me I had to move. Now I have to leave this wonderful family behind that i was supposed to be with for the next 4 weeks and move to a smaller and more rural place where we will be living in houses that are much less nice- including latrines instead of flush toilets. I tried to put up a fight and ask them to let me stay in the pueblo by myself. But they won't let me. It just isn't an option. So there's absolutely nothing I can do about it... I was very very upset about this and I still am. This decision was made that we would move... and it's funny that oddly enough the girls don't even really want to go. But it doesnt matter... Tomorrow we move out. Hitting the road. So I will just go with it. Having to go through big changes like this is one of the hardest things about Peace Corps I think... Having to leave and say goodbye to people that you really love and start over somewhere else. I have to start over with a new family, we have to start over on our community project with a youth group, and we have readjust our working relationships with each other. In the big picture though, I will probably just look back on these training times and laugh at how crazy my training experience was.

I'm really going to miss my awesome family. But I know I will be back to visit them as much as I can. So i found out i'm moving this afternoon, and by tomorrow afternoon I have to have all my things packed up and ready to go. Oh boy! I'm just gonna focus on good vibes and happy thoughts. I can do this.

1 comment:

  1. Mija, remember you are not in El Salvador by accident or chance. Where ever you go and everyone you meet will add up to a fantastic, wonderful journey 2 years from now. You can do it!
