Monday, August 16, 2010

Text Message Me!!

Want to know how to send text messages to anyone in El Salvador (who has a Tigo phone, like me) for free, using the internet? Well here you go.

1. Go to this website:, and click on the box that says empresas tigo and then click envio de mensajes

2. A pop-up will open, with the name Messenger Tigo. Where it says "nombre a mostrar en el chat" type your name and click aceptar.

3. Next the page will display "lista de destinatarios." Where is says telefono, type in my 8 digit phone number (If you need my number, e-mail me) and click aceptar. A message goes to my phone saying that you want to start a conversation with me.

4. In the next window, a box will say "Escribe aqui el texto que quieres enviar (clic aqui para iniciar)" which means "Write here the text you want to send (click here to start)" So, click there and type your message, then click Enviar to send it to me. A codigo verificador (verification code) will pop up, type it into the little box and click enviar. It will show up on my phone.

5. I answer the text from my phone, and it shows up in the text box on your screen.

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